maimai:GreeN: Difference between revisions

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(Fixed levels, table, and changed categories to reflect GreeN (Though, missing all its original songs?))
No edit summary
(35 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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{{Region Switcher}}
{{Region Switcher}}
== Release Information ==
== Release Information ==
Release date: July 11, 2013
[[Image:maimai GreeN.webp|300px]]
* Release date: July 11, 2013

== Staff Information ==
== General Information / Changes ==
To be added.
* First maimai game to feature difficulty levels above 10.
* First maimai game with 東方Project songs.
* Game options have changed:
** Guide speed has been expanded to 9.
** The default setting for sound effect is now "short".
** Turning sound effects off now no longer turns off splash/FULL COMBO/ALL PERFECT announcements.
** Vertical and Rotate mirror modes have been added.
** Guests can now change their options.
* All Music is accessed by exiting from Hit Ranking.
* Slide Skip is added for level sorting on Music Select; players can scroll through the list by swiping up and down.
* Filter Mode is added for All Music to allow players to narrow down the songlist.
* Slide detection has been improved.
* First maimai game with an in-game currency, [[maimai:In-game currencies#maimile|maimile]], which allows players to purchase songs and item collections.
** The level system from [[maimai:1st|maimai]]/[[maimai:PLUS|maimai PLUS]] was dropped. Around 250 maimile per level is awarded to you depending on the level you were at when transferring data.
* In offline versions of the game, MASTER charts for available songs are available by default.
** [[Bad Apple!! feat.nomico|Bad Apple!! feat.nomico]] is present in attract mode, but cannot be played.
* Game folders have undergone a few changes:
** J-POP is now POPS.
** ANIME and GAME are now separate folders.
** OVERSEAS folder has been removed; its two songs were moved to the POPS folder.

== General Information / Changes ==
== Complete Songlist by Genre ==
* Second maimai game.
See [[/Complete Songlist]].
* First maimai game to feature difficulty levels 11 and above.

== New Songs ==
== New Songs ==
Songs are currently just organised by category/genre. Will add release dates later.

* [[#Launch|Launch]]
* [[#20130711|Launch (July 11th, 2013)]]
* [[#20130905|September 5th, 2013]]
* [[#20130919|September 19th, 2013]]
* [[#20131003|October 3rd, 2013]]
* [[#20131024|October 24th, 2013]]
* [[#20131114|November 14th, 2013]]
* [[#20131205|December 5th, 2013]]
* [[#20140109|January 9th, 2014]]
* [[#20140123|January 23rd, 2014]]

{{maimai Songlist Header|
{{maimai Songlist Header|
{{Songlist Date|Launch|anchor=Launch}}
{{Songlist Date|Launch|anchor=20130711}}
{{Songlist Category|Pops & Anime|bg=#ffffff}}
{{Songlist Category|POPS|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[残酷な天使のテーゼ]]|高橋洋子[cover]|2|3|6|7|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Choo Choo TRAIN]]|EXILE|2|4|5|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[創聖のアクエリオン]]|AKINO [cover]|2|3|6|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[galaxias!]]|galaxias!|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[LOVE dokkyun|LOVEドッきゅん♥]]|club prince [cover]|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Memeshikute|女々しくて]]|ゴールデンボンバー [PV]|2|3|5|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Saraba, itoshiki kanashimi tachi yo|サラバ、愛しき悲しみたちよ]]|ももいろクローバーZ [PV]|2|4|5|8|10}}
{{Songlist Category|ANIME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Butter-Fly]]|和田光司 [cover]|1|4|5|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Butter-Fly]]|和田光司 [cover]|1|4|5|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[GO!!!]]|FLOW「NARUTO」[cover]|3|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[READY STEADY GO]]|L'Arc~en~Ciel [cover]|1|4|5|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[READY STEADY GO]]|L'Arc~en~Ciel [cover]|1|4|5|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[リライト]]|ASIAN KANG-FU GENERATION [cover]|2|4|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Karma|カルマ]]|BUMP OF CHICKEN [cover]|1|4|7|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[カルマ]]|BUMP OF CHICKEN [cover]|1|4|7|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kimi no shiranai monogatari|君の知らない物語]]|supercell「化物語」|2|3|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[GO!!!]]|FLOW「NARUTO」[cover]|3|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Rewrite|リライト]]|ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION [cover]|2|4|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[LOVEドッきゅん♥|LOVEドッきゅん♥]]|club prince [cover]|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sousei no Aquarion|創聖のアクエリオン]]|AKINO [cover]|2|3|6|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[サラバ、愛しき悲しみたちよ]]|ももいろクローバーZ[PV]|2|4|5|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Zankoku na tenshi no These|残酷な天使のテーゼ]]|高橋洋子 [cover]|2|3|6|7|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Choo Choo Train]]|EXILE [PV]|2|4|5|8|9}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[君の知らない物語]]|supercell「化物語」|2|3|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[awake]]|下田麻美「Shining・Force CROSS ELYSION」|2|3|7|8|10}}
{{Songlist Category|Variety|bg=#ffffff|anchor=Variety}}
{{maimai Song|[[モザイクロール]]|DECO*27|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[天ノ弱]]|164|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[I ♥]]|Junky|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[セツナトリップ]]|Last Note.|2|5|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[弱虫モンブラン]]|DECO*27|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Nyan Cat EX]]|daniwell|1|4|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[裏表ラバーズ]]|wowoka|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[ぽっぴっぽー]]|ラマーズP|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[*ハロー、プラネット。]]|sasakure.UK|2|4|5|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[放課後ストライド]]|Last Note.|2|4|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[ローリンガール]]|wowoka|2|5|6|8|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[夜咄ディセイブ]]|じん|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[イアイア★ナイトオブデザイア]]|samfree|2|4|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[galaxias!]]|galaxias! [PV]|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[トルコ行進曲 - オワタ\(^o^)/]]|オワタP|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[いーあるふぁんくらぶ]]|みきとP|2|5|6|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[カゲロウデイズ]]|じん|2|5|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[脳漿炸裂ガール]]|れるりり|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[しゅわスパ大作戦☆]]|SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi|2|5|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[全人類ノ非想天則]]|SOUND HOLIC feat. 匠眞|3|4|7|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[ウサテイ]]|あまね+ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)|2|4|6|8|12}}
{{maimai Song|[[Help me, ERINNNNNN!!]]|ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)|2|5|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました]]| 魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました ARM+夕野ヨシミ(IOSYS)feat. 藤咲かりん|2|3|6|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[ナイト・オブ・ナイツ]]|ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)|3|4|7|10|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Grip & Break down!!]]|SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi|2|4|6|7|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Bad Apple!! feat nomico]]|Masayoshi Minoshima|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室]]|ARM+夕野ヨシミ(IOSYS)feat. miko|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff|anchor=Game}}
{{maimai Song|[[DADDY MULK -Groove remix-]]|Performed by SEGA Sound Unit [H.]|2|4|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[セガサターン起動音[H.][Remix]]]|Hiro|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Living Universe]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2」|2|4|7|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Save This World νMIX]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE」|2|5|7|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Riders Of The Light]]|「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Mysterious Destiny]]|「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」|2|4|6|10|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[ココロスキャンのうた]]|ササキトモコ「音声感情測定器ココロスキャン」|1|4|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Ignite Infinity]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2 ∞」|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~]]|幡谷尚史 Arranged by SEGA Sound Unit [H.]「バーニングレンジャー」|2|4|7|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[円舞曲、君に]]|「サクラ大戦奏組」|1|4|5|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Terminal Storm]]|三草康二郎「CODE OF JOKER」|1|4|5|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Terminal Storm]]|三草康二郎「CODE OF JOKER」|1|4|5|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[awake]]|下田麻美「Shining・Force CROSS ELYSION」|2|3|7|8|10}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlocks}}
{{maimai Song|[[KONNANじゃないっ!]]|澤村 遥「龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者」|2|4|6|8|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Burning Hearts ~honoo no ANGEL~|Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~]]|[[Naofumi Hataya|幡谷尚史]] Arranged by SEGA Sound Unit [[(H.)|[H.]]]「バーニングレンジャー」|2|4|7|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[神室雪月花]]|桐生 一馬「龍が如く」|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Her Dream Is To Be A Fantastic Sorceress]]|アミティ(CV 菊池志穂)「ぷよぷよ」|1|3|5|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Her Dream Is To Be A Fantastic Sorceress]]|アミティ(CV 菊池志穂)「ぷよぷよ」|1|3|5|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[時空を超えて久しぶり!]]|アルル(CV 園崎未恵)「ぷよぷよ」|1|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Ignite Infinity]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2 ∞」|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[KONNAN janai!|KONNANじゃないっ!]]|澤村 遥「龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者」|2|4|6|8|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Enbukyoku, kimi ni|円舞曲、君に]]|「サクラ大戦奏組」|1|4|5|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Jikuu wo koete hisashiburi!|時空を超えて久しぶり!]]|アルル(CV 園崎未恵)「ぷよぷよ」|1|3|5|8|10}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlock (after obtaining 70000 maimile total)}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kamuro setsugekka|神室雪月花]]|桐生 一馬「龍が如く」|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{Songlist Category|ORIGINAL|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Cosmic Train]]|[[Shoichiro Hirata]] feat.[[SUIMI]]|2|4|5|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Get Happy]]|[[Harumi Ueko|Jimmy Weckl]]|3|5|7|10|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[maim maim feat. Shuukan Shounen Magazine|maiム・maiム feat.週刊少年マガジン]]|にしもと先生、タクマ、どんちゃん「ちょっと盛りました。」|3|5|6|9|11}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlocks}}
{{maimai Song|[[Backyun! -warui onna-|Backyun! -悪い女-]]|[[Chihiro Aoki|青山千紘]]/[[Manami|愛海]]|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Beat of getting entangled]]|[[Shoichiro Hirata]]|3|5|8|10|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Blew Moon]]|[[Tomoyuki Hamada|t+pazolite]]|2|5|8|10|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Pixel Voyage]]|[[YMCK]]|1|4|5|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Minna no maimaimer|みんなのマイマイマー]]|[[beatMARIO|ビートまりお]](COOL&CREATE)+[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]](IOSYS)|2|3|7|9|11}}
{{Songlist Category|JOYPOLIS|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kioku, kiroku|記憶、記録]]|LOPIT(SEGA)|3|5|8|9|11}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Grip & Break down !!]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]|2|4|6|7|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Cirno no perfect sansuu kyoushitsu|チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室]]|[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]]+[[Takafumi Suzuki|夕野ヨシミ]](IOSYS)feat. [[miko]]|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kagerou daze|カゲロウデイズ]]|じん|2|5|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Night of knights|ナイト・オブ・ナイツ]]|[[beatMARIO|ビートまりお]](COOL&CREATE)|3|4|7|10|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Noushou sakuretsu girl|脳漿炸裂ガール]]|[[Kouhei Sasaki|れるりり]]|3|4|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Turco koushinkyoku - Owata|トルコ行進曲 - オワタ\(^o^)/]]|[[Owata-P|オワタP]]|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Yi-er fun club|いーあるふぁんくらぶ]]|[[Mikito-P|みきとP]]|2|5|6|7|10}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlocked during first non-guest play}}
{{maimai Song|[[Bad Apple!! feat.nomico|Bad Apple!! feat nomico]]|[[Masayoshi Minoshima]]|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{Songlist Date|August 7th, 2013|anchor=20130807}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlocks}}
{{maimai Song|[[Living Universe]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2」|2|4|7|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Mysterious Destiny]]|「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」|2|4|6|10|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Riders Of The Light]]|「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Save This World nuMIX|Save This World νMIX]]|「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE」|2|4|7|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kokoro scan no uta|ココロスキャンのうた]]|ササキトモコ「音声感情測定器ココロスキャン」|1|4|6|9|11}}
{{Songlist Date|September 5th, 2013|anchor=20130905}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Help me, ERINNNNNN!!]]|[[beatMARIO|ビートまりお]](COOL&CREATE)|2|5|6|9|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[IA IA night of desire|イアイア★ナイトオブデザイア]]|samfree|2|4|6|8|9}}
{{maimai Song|[[Marisa wa taihen na mono wo nusunde ikimashita|魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました]]|[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]]+[[Takafumi Suzuki|夕野ヨシミ]](IOSYS)feat. [[Karin Fujisaki|藤咲かりん]]|2|3|6|7|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Usatei|ウサテイ]]|あまね+[[beatMARIO|ビートまりお]](COOL&CREATE)|2|4|6|8|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Yobanashi deceive|夜咄ディセイブ]]|じん|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{Songlist Date|September 19th, 2013|anchor=20130919}}
{{Songlist Category|JOYPOLIS|bg=#ffffff}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlocks}}
{{maimai Song|[[BREAK YOU!!]]|[[A-One]]|2|5|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Death Scythe]]|[[SHIKI]]|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[JUMPIN' JUMPIN']]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]|2|4|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[L'epilogue|L'épilogue]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[LUCIA]]|[[SHIKI]]|2|4|6|9|10}}
{{Songlist Date|October 3rd, 2013|anchor=20131003}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Houkago stride|放課後ストライド]]|Last Note.|2|4|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Rolling girl|ローリンガール]]|wowaka|2|5|6|8|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Shuwa spa daisakusen|しゅわスパ大作戦☆]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]|2|5|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Zenjinrui no hisoutensoku|全人類ノ非想天則]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. 匠眞|3|4|7|9|10}}
{{Songlist Date|October 24th, 2013|anchor=20131024}}
{{Songlist Category|ORIGINAL|bg=#ffffff}}
{{Songlist Category|maimile unlocks}}
{{maimai Song|[[Garakuta Doll Play]]|[[Tomoyuki Hamada|t+pazolite]]|3|5|8|11|12}}
{{maimai Song|[[System "Z"]]|[[Harumi Ueko|Jimmy Weckl]]|3|5|8|11|12}}
{{Songlist Date|November 14th, 2013|anchor=20131114}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sega Saturn kidou on(H.)(Remix)|セガサターン起動音[H.][Remix]]]|[[Hiroshi Kawaguchi|Hiro]]|2|3|6|9|10}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[*Hello, planet.|*ハロー、プラネット。]]|[[sasakure.UK]]|2|4|5|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[PoPiPo|ぽっぴっぽー]]|[[Lamaze-P|_]]|2|3|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Uraomote lovers|裏表ラバーズ]]|wowaka|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{Songlist Date|December 5th, 2013|anchor=20131205}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[DADDY MULK -Groove remix-]]|Performed by [[(H.)|[H.]]]|2|4|6|9|11}}
{{Songlist Date|January 9th, 2014|anchor=20140109}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Nyan Cat EX]]|daniwell|1|4|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Setsuna trip|セツナトリップ]]|Last Note.|2|5|6|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Yowamushi Mont Blanc|弱虫モンブラン]]|[[Kosuke Terayama|DECO*27]]|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{Songlist Date|January 23rd, 2014|anchor=20140123}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[I love|I ♥]]|[[Junky]]|2|4|6|8|10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Amanojaku|天ノ弱]]|[[164]]|2|5|7|9|11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Mozaik role|モザイクロール]]|[[Kosuke Terayama|DECO*27]]|2|4|6|8|10}}
= Difficulty Changes =
The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last appearance:
{{maimai Change Header|
{{Songlist Category|POPS|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[CAN'T GET BACK]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|5→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[come again]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|5→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Everyday, katyusha|Everyday、カチューシャ]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|7→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Future]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[Garden]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[jelly]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|7→8-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[LOVE & JOY]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[New World]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|5→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Ai wo tomenaide|愛を止めないで]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|5→6|7→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Identity|アイデンティティ]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|7→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Joyful|じょいふる]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[CANDY CANDY]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|7→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[SPELL MAGIC]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Tsukematsukeru|つけまつける]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|7→8|-}}
{{Songlist Category|ORIGINAL|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[SweetsxSweets|Sweets×Sweets]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[Jingle bell|ジングルベル]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|-|10→12}}
{{maimai Song|[[Neko biyori.|ネコ日和。]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Orange no natsu|オレンジの夏]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Tan kou bushi|炭★坑★節]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Endless World]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|5→6|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Dekoboko taisou daini|デコボコ体操第二]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[Homura uta|炎歌 -ほむらうた-]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|8→9|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Inu biyori.|犬日和。]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|5→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Nakimushi O'clock|泣き虫O'clock]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Pipipapuu!|ぴぴぱぷぅ!]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|3→2|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[So-ran bushi|ソーラン☆節]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{Songlist Category|JOYPOLIS|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Acceleration]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[air's gravity]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Black Out]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|9→10|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[FEEL ALIVE]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Feel My Fire]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Fragrance]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Lionheart]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Nerverakes]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Night Fly]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Spin me harder]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|9→10|9→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sprintrances]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Starlight Disco]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Streak]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Turn around]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[We Gonna Party]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{Songlist Category|VARIETY|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Happy synthesizer|ハッピーシンセサイザ]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|8→7|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Oshiete!! Mahou no Lyric|教えて!! 魔法のLyric]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|6→7|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[World's end dancehall|ワールズエンド・ダンスホール]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[39]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[BAD END NIGHT|BAD∞END∞NIGHT]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|9→8|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Dancing samurai|ダンシング☆サムライ]] |{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Go go yuureisen|ゴーゴー幽霊船]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|8→9|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kusare gedou to chocolate|腐れ外道とチョコレゐト]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Ochame kinou|おちゃめ機能]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Romeo to Cinderella|ロミオとシンデレラ]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Senbonzakura|千本桜]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|-|9→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sweet magic|スイートマジック]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|5→6|7→8|-}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME|bg=#ffffff}}
{{maimai Song|[[Beat Of Mind]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|7→8|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Catch The Future]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[City Escape: Act1]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|7→8|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Crush On You]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[In Chaos]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|7→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[JACKY (Remix)|JACKY [Remix]]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|7→6|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Reach for the Stars|Reach For The Stars]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sun Dance]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→8}}
{{maimai Song|[[Urban Crusher (Remix)|Urban Crusher [Remix]]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|7→8|-|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Geki! Teikoku kagekidan (kai)|檄!帝国華撃団(改)]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|7→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Kaitou R no Thema|怪盗Rのテーマ]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Tengoku to jigoku|天国と地獄]]|{{Game name|mai1st}}|-|-|-|9→8|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[DO RORO DERODERO ON DO RORO]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|9→10|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Like the Wind (Reborn)|Like the Wind [Reborn]]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|7→8|-|10→11}}
{{maimai Song|[[Natural Flow]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|6→7|9→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[Quartet Theme (Reborn)|Quartet Theme [Reborn]]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Sky High (Reborn)|Sky High [Reborn]]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|-|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Space Harrier Main Theme (Reborn)|Space Harrier Main Theme [Reborn]]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|9→8|-}}
{{maimai Song|[[YA-DA-YO (Reborn)|YA・DA・YO [Reborn]]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|9→10|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Chouzetsu! Superlative|超絶!Superlative]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|8→9|9→10}}
{{maimai Song|[[Mihata no moto ni|御旗のもとに]]|{{Game name|mai1st+}}|-|-|-|8→9|9→10}}

[[Category:maimai Games]]
[[Category:maimai Games]]

Latest revision as of 17:07, 15 March 2025

1st (舞萌, PLUS) - GreeN (PLUS) - ORANGE (PLUS)
maimai でらっくす
1st (PLUS) - Splash (PLUS) - UNiVERSE (PLUS)
Region Switcher
Japan - Asia - China

Release Information

maimai GreeN.webp

  • Release date: July 11, 2013

General Information / Changes

  • First maimai game to feature difficulty levels above 10.
  • First maimai game with 東方Project songs.
  • Game options have changed:
    • Guide speed has been expanded to 9.
    • The default setting for sound effect is now "short".
    • Turning sound effects off now no longer turns off splash/FULL COMBO/ALL PERFECT announcements.
    • Vertical and Rotate mirror modes have been added.
    • Guests can now change their options.
  • All Music is accessed by exiting from Hit Ranking.
  • Slide Skip is added for level sorting on Music Select; players can scroll through the list by swiping up and down.
  • Filter Mode is added for All Music to allow players to narrow down the songlist.
  • Slide detection has been improved.
  • First maimai game with an in-game currency, maimile, which allows players to purchase songs and item collections.
    • The level system from maimai/maimai PLUS was dropped. Around 250 maimile per level is awarded to you depending on the level you were at when transferring data.
  • In offline versions of the game, MASTER charts for available songs are available by default.
  • Game folders have undergone a few changes:
    • J-POP is now POPS.
    • ANIME and GAME are now separate folders.
    • OVERSEAS folder has been removed; its two songs were moved to the POPS folder.

Complete Songlist by Genre

See /Complete Songlist.

New Songs

Song Artist Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Choo Choo TRAIN EXILE 2 4 5 8 9 -
galaxias! galaxias! 2 4 6 8 10 -
LOVEドッきゅん♥ club prince [cover] 2 4 6 9 10 -
女々しくて ゴールデンボンバー [PV] 2 3 5 8 10 -
サラバ、愛しき悲しみたちよ ももいろクローバーZ [PV] 2 4 5 8 10 -
Butter-Fly 和田光司 [cover] 1 4 5 9 10 -
GO!!! FLOW「NARUTO」[cover] 3 3 6 8 10 -
READY STEADY GO L'Arc~en~Ciel [cover] 1 4 5 8 9 -
カルマ BUMP OF CHICKEN [cover] 1 4 7 7 10 -
君の知らない物語 supercell「化物語」 2 3 6 8 9 -
リライト ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION [cover] 2 4 6 8 9 -
創聖のアクエリオン AKINO [cover] 2 3 6 7 10 -
残酷な天使のテーゼ 高橋洋子 [cover] 2 3 6 7 9 -
awake 下田麻美「Shining・Force CROSS ELYSION」 2 3 7 8 10 -
Terminal Storm 三草康二郎「CODE OF JOKER」 1 4 5 9 11 -
maimile unlocks
Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~ 幡谷尚史 Arranged by SEGA Sound Unit [H.]「バーニングレンジャー」 2 4 7 8 9 -
Her Dream Is To Be A Fantastic Sorceress アミティ(CV 菊池志穂)「ぷよぷよ」 1 3 5 8 9 -
Ignite Infinity 「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2 ∞」 2 3 6 9 10 -
KONNANじゃないっ! 澤村 遥「龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者」 2 4 6 8 11 -
円舞曲、君に 「サクラ大戦奏組」 1 4 5 9 10 -
時空を超えて久しぶり! アルル(CV 園崎未恵)「ぷよぷよ」 1 3 5 8 10 -
maimile unlock (after obtaining 70000 maimile total)
神室雪月花 桐生 一馬「龍が如く」 2 4 6 9 10 -
Cosmic Train Shoichiro Hirata feat.SUIMI 2 4 5 8 10 -
Get Happy Jimmy Weckl 3 5 7 10 11 -
maiム・maiム feat.週刊少年マガジン にしもと先生、タクマ、どんちゃん「ちょっと盛りました。」 3 5 6 9 11 -
maimile unlocks
Backyun! -悪い女- 青山千紘/愛海 2 4 6 9 10 -
Beat of getting entangled Shoichiro Hirata 3 5 8 10 11 -
Blew Moon t+pazolite 2 5 8 10 11 -
Pixel Voyage YMCK 1 4 5 7 10 -
みんなのマイマイマー ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)+ARM(IOSYS) 2 3 7 9 11 -
記憶、記録 LOPIT(SEGA) 3 5 8 9 11 -
Grip & Break down !! SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 2 4 6 7 11 -
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 ARM夕野ヨシミ(IOSYS)feat. miko 2 3 6 8 10 -
カゲロウデイズ じん 2 5 6 9 11 -
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 3 4 7 10 11 -
脳漿炸裂ガール れるりり 3 4 6 9 11 -
トルコ行進曲 - オワタ\(^o^)/ オワタP 2 3 6 8 10 -
いーあるふぁんくらぶ みきとP 2 5 6 7 10 -
Unlocked during first non-guest play
Bad Apple!! feat nomico Masayoshi Minoshima 2 4 6 8 10 -
August 7th, 2013
maimile unlocks
Living Universe 「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE2」 2 4 7 8 10 -
Mysterious Destiny 「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」 2 4 6 10 10 -
Riders Of The Light 「BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)」 2 3 6 9 10 -
Save This World νMIX 「PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE」 2 4 7 8 10 -
ココロスキャンのうた ササキトモコ「音声感情測定器ココロスキャン」 1 4 6 9 11 -
September 5th, 2013
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 2 5 6 9 10 -
イアイア★ナイトオブデザイア samfree 2 4 6 8 9 -
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました ARM夕野ヨシミ(IOSYS)feat. 藤咲かりん 2 3 6 7 10 -
ウサテイ あまね+ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 2 4 6 8 11 -
夜咄ディセイブ じん 2 5 7 9 11 -
September 19th, 2013
maimile unlocks
BREAK YOU!! A-One 2 5 6 9 11 -
Death Scythe SHIKI 2 5 7 9 11 -
JUMPIN' JUMPIN' SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 2 4 7 9 11 -
L'épilogue SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 2 5 7 9 11 -
LUCIA SHIKI 2 4 6 9 10 -
October 3rd, 2013
放課後ストライド Last Note. 2 4 7 9 11 -
ローリンガール wowaka 2 5 6 8 11 -
しゅわスパ大作戦☆ SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 2 5 6 8 10 -
全人類ノ非想天則 SOUND HOLIC feat. 匠眞 3 4 7 9 10 -
October 24th, 2013
maimile unlocks
Garakuta Doll Play t+pazolite 3 5 8 11 12 -
System "Z" Jimmy Weckl 3 5 8 11 12 -
November 14th, 2013
セガサターン起動音[H.][Remix] Hiro 2 3 6 9 10 -
*ハロー、プラネット。 sasakure.UK 2 4 5 8 10 -
ぽっぴっぽー _ 2 3 6 8 10 -
裏表ラバーズ wowaka 2 5 7 9 11 -
December 5th, 2013
DADDY MULK -Groove remix- Performed by [H.] 2 4 6 9 11 -
January 9th, 2014
Nyan Cat EX daniwell 1 4 7 9 11 -
セツナトリップ Last Note. 2 5 6 9 11 -
弱虫モンブラン DECO*27 2 4 6 8 10 -
January 23rd, 2014
I ♥ Junky 2 4 6 8 10 -
天ノ弱 164 2 5 7 9 11 -
モザイクロール DECO*27 2 4 6 8 10 -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last appearance:

Song Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
CAN'T GET BACK maimai - - 5→6 - - -
come again maimai - - 5→6 - - -
Everyday、カチューシャ maimai - - 7→6 - - -
Future maimai - - - - 9→8 -
Garden maimai - - - - 9→8 -
jelly maimai - - 6→7 7→8- - -
LOVE & JOY maimai - - 6→7 - - -
New World maimai - - 5→6 - - -
愛を止めないで maimai - - 5→6 7→8 - -
アイデンティティ maimai - - 6→7 7→8 - -
じょいふる maimai - - - - 9→8 -
CANDY CANDY maimai PLUS - - - 7→8 - -
SPELL MAGIC maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→10 -
つけまつける maimai PLUS - - 6→7 7→8 - -
Sweets×Sweets maimai - - - - 9→8 -
ジングルベル maimai - - 6→7 - 10→12 -
ネコ日和。 maimai - - 6→7 - - -
オレンジの夏 maimai - - - - 9→10 -
炭★坑★節 maimai - - - - 9→10 -
Endless World maimai PLUS - - 5→6 8→9 9→10 -
デコボコ体操第二 maimai PLUS - - - - 9→8 -
炎歌 -ほむらうた- maimai PLUS - - - 8→9 - -
犬日和。 maimai PLUS - - 5→6 - - -
泣き虫O'clock maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→10 -
ぴぴぱぷぅ! maimai PLUS - 3→2 6→7 - 9→10 -
ソーラン☆節 maimai PLUS - - - - 9→10 -
Acceleration maimai PLUS - - - - 10→11 -
air's gravity maimai PLUS - - - - 9→10 -
Black Out maimai PLUS - - - 9→10 9→10 -
FEEL ALIVE maimai PLUS - - 7→8 - 10→11 -
Feel My Fire maimai PLUS - - 7→8 8→9 9→10 -
Fragrance maimai PLUS - - 7→8 - 10→11 -
Lionheart maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 10→11 -
Nerverakes maimai PLUS - - - - 10→11 -
Night Fly maimai PLUS - - 6→7 8→9 9→10 -
Spin me harder maimai PLUS - - - 9→10 9→11 -
Sprintrances maimai PLUS - - - - 9→11 -
Starlight Disco maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→10 -
Streak maimai PLUS - - - - 10→11 -
Turn around maimai PLUS - - - - 10→11 -
We Gonna Party maimai PLUS - - - - 10→11 -
ハッピーシンセサイザ maimai - - - 8→7 - -
教えて!! 魔法のLyric maimai - - 6→7 - - -
ワールズエンド・ダンスホール maimai - - - - 9→10 -
39 maimai PLUS - - - 8→9 9→10 -
BAD∞END∞NIGHT maimai PLUS - - - 9→8 10→11 -
ダンシング☆サムライ maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→10 -
ゴーゴー幽霊船 maimai PLUS - - 6→7 8→9 - -
腐れ外道とチョコレゐト maimai PLUS - - 7→8 - 10→11 -
おちゃめ機能 maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→10 -
ロミオとシンデレラ maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - - -
千本桜 maimai PLUS - - 6→7 - 9→11 -
スイートマジック maimai PLUS - - 5→6 7→8 - -
Beat Of Mind maimai - - 7→8 - - -
Catch The Future maimai - - - 8→9 9→10 -
City Escape: Act1 maimai - - - 7→8 9→10 -
Crush On You maimai - - - - 9→8 -
In Chaos maimai - - 7→6 - - -
JACKY [Remix] maimai - - 7→6 - - -
Reach For The Stars maimai - - - - 10→11 -
Sun Dance maimai - - - - 9→8 -
Urban Crusher [Remix] maimai - - 7→8 - - -
檄!帝国華撃団(改) maimai - - - 7→8 - -
怪盗Rのテーマ maimai - - - - 9→10 -
天国と地獄 maimai - - - 9→8 9→10 -
DO RORO DERODERO ON DO RORO maimai PLUS - - 7→8 9→10 10→11 -
Like the Wind [Reborn] maimai PLUS - - 7→8 - 10→11 -
Natural Flow maimai PLUS - - 6→7 9→8 - -
Quartet Theme [Reborn] maimai PLUS - - - - 9→10 -
Sky High [Reborn] maimai PLUS - - - - 9→10 -
Space Harrier Main Theme [Reborn] maimai PLUS - - - 9→8 - -
YA・DA・YO [Reborn] maimai PLUS - - - 9→10 9→10 -
超絶!Superlative maimai PLUS - - - 8→9 9→10 -
御旗のもとに maimai PLUS - - - 8→9 9→10 -