maimai MiLK

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1st (舞萌, PLUS) - GreeN (PLUS) - ORANGE (PLUS)
maimai でらっくす
1st (PLUS) - Splash (PLUS) - UNiVERSE (PLUS)

Release Information

  • Release date: December 14th, 2017

General Information / Changes

  • Partner added, player level revived as a result
    • Total Lv can be hidden
  • In-game currency changed to Cheese; collection items are now more expensive
  • Total Cheese pieces ranking added
  • Event category added
  • maimai:Event Course removed
  • maimai:Survival Course added
  • "Next Track" screen replaced by tips
  • Rating restriction removed for maimai:Grade Certification(?), maimai:Enkaijou(?) and maimai:Challenge Track
  • Unlocking is no longer necessary before playing Master charts in maimai:Challenge Track
  • maimaiNET changes
    • "VS feature" between Favorite friends (Score etc comparison) added
    • Serial code redeem feature added
    • Friend candidates now disappear from the list after some time
    • Filtering in "song score" page added
    • "Home arcade" setting removed
  • Weekly bonus per Thursday removed (?)
  • Changed charts (using the new format introduced in MURASAKi PLUS) for songs with BPM changes so that the standby time of slides is one beat in the changed BPM
  • Challenge Track completion medal removed
  • Fixed the bug that the max score effect doesn't work for Utage charts

Staff Information

To be added.

Complete Songlist by Genre

See /Complete Songlist.

New Songs

Song Artist Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
REVIVER オルタンシア・サーガ -蒼の騎士団- オリジナルVer. MY FIRST STORY 2 5 7 9 11+ -
あ・え・い・う・え・お・あお!! 劇団ひととせ「ひなこのーと」 3 5 7+ 9 11 -
ようこそジャパリパークへ どうぶつビスケッツ×PPP「けものフレンズ」 2 4 6 8 11 -
niconico & VOCALOID
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー kemu 3 5 7+ 10 12+ -
砂の惑星 feat. HATSUNE MIKU ハチ 2 4 6 9 12 -
アンノウン・マザーグース wowaka 3 4 6 9+ 12 -
TOHO Project
泡沫、哀のまほろば 幽閉サテライト 2 4 6 8+ 11 -
MilK モリモリあつし 1 4 6 10+ 12+ -
咲キ誇レ常世ノ華 Sou×マチゲリータ 3 5 7 10 12 -
Survival Course - 歴代テーマ曲ランダムコース
(Unlockable with 5 Cheese from January 23, 2018)
Magical Flavor DECO*27 feat.Tia 2 4 7 9 12 -
December 26th, 2017
Bang Babang Bang!!! 御形 アリシアナ(CV:福原 綾香) 2 5 7+ 9+ 12 -
SPICY SWINGY STYLE 明坂 芹菜(CV:新田 恵海) 3 5 7+ 10 12 -
Tic Tac DREAMIN' 天王洲 なずな(CV:山本 彩乃) 1 4 6 8 11 -
January 9th, 2018
niconico & VOCALOID
だんだん早くなる 40mP - - - - - 11
白い雪のプリンセスは のぼる↑ 2 5 7 9+ 11+ -
スターナイトスノウ n-buna × Orangestar 2 4 6 8+ 11 -
好き!雪!本気マジック Mitchie M 2 4 6 9+ 11+ -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have had their difficulty changed since their last appearance:

Song Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
セハガガガンバッちゃう!! maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 12→11+ -
Stand Up!!!! maimai ORANGE - - - - 10→10+ -
Luminize maimai PiNK - - - - 9+→10 -
Daydream café maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 10→10+ -
ちょちょちょ!ゆるゆり☆かぷりっちょ!!! maimai PiNK PLUS - - 6→7 - - -
niconico & VOCALOID
チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ! maimai MURASAKi - - - - 11+→12 -
むかしむかしのきょうのぼく maimai GreeN PLUS - - - - 10→10+ -
Mr. Wonderland maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11+→12 -
ココロ maimai MURASAKi - - - - 10+→10 -
クノイチでも恋がしたい maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
しんでしまうとはなさけない! maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
パーフェクト生命 maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
不毛! maimai ORANGE - - - - 10+→11 -
教えて!! 魔法のLyric maimai - - - - 9→9+ -
おちゃめ機能 maimai PLUS - - - - 10+→11 -
林檎華憐歌 maimai GreeN PLUS - - - 9→9+ 10+→11 -
バッド・ダンス・ホール maimai MURASAKi PLUS - - - - 11+→12 -
TOHO Project
お嫁にしなさいっ! maimai GreeN PLUS - - - - 10+→11 -
ひれ伏せ愚民どもっ! maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
儚きもの人間 maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 12→12+ -
sweet little sister maimai GreeN PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
フラグメンツ -T.V. maimai edit- maimai PiNK - - - - 10→10+ -
Jimang Shot maimai PiNK - - - - 11→11+ -
Windy Hill -Zone 1 maimai GreeN PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
Urban Crusher [Remix] maimai - - - - 11→11+ -
After Burner maimai PiNK - - - - 11+→12 -
神室雪月花 maimai GreeN PLUS - - - 10→10+ - -
conflict maimai MURASAKi - - - - 12+→13 -
Sakura Fubuki maimai MURASAKi - - - - 12→12+ -
いっしそう電☆舞舞神拳! maimai MURASAKi - - - - 11+→12 -
ガラテアの螺旋 maimai ORANGE PLUS - - - 10+→11 - -
BREAK YOU!! maimai GreeN - - - - 11+→12 -
Sprintrances maimai PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -
高気圧ねこロック maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11+→12 -
BETTER CHOICE maimai ORANGE - - - - 10+→11 -
Danza zandA maimai GreeN PLUS - - - - 11+→12 -
maimaiちゃんのテーマ maimai PLUS - - - - 9+→10 -
BaBan!! -甘い罠- maimai - - - 10→10+ - -
The wheel to the right maimai MURASAKi - - - - 13→12+ -
ハート・ビート maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11+→12 -
Barbed Eye maimai PiNK PLUS - - - - 11→11+ -

Removed Songs

The following songs appearing in maimai MiLK have been removed from this game:

Song Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Can Do maimai ORANGE PLUS 2 4 6 9 11+ -
The Other self maimai ORANGE PLUS 2 4 6 9 10+ -
カノン maimai ORANGE PLUS 3 5 7 9 10+ -
オルフェ maimai ORANGE PLUS 2 4 7 9 10 -
ヘタリアン☆ジェット maimai PiNK PLUS 2 4 6 8 10 -
ココロオドル maimai ORANGE PLUS 2 4 7 8+ 11 -
naraku within maimai ORANGE 2 5 7 9 11+ -
ほとんど違法行為 maimai ORANGE 2 4 6 8 10+ -
シリウス maimai ORANGE PLUS 2 4 6 8 10 -
青春はNon-Stop! maimai PiNK 2 4 6 9 11+ -
falling roses maimai PiNK 3 5 7+ 9 12 -

Overseas Version Licensed Song Status

The following songs new to the Japanese version of this game do not appear in versions outside of Japan:

Overseas Removals

Song Artist Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
あ・え・い・う・え・お・あお!! 劇団ひととせ「ひなこのーと」 3 5 7+ 9 11 -
ようこそジャパリパークへ どうぶつビスケッツ×PPP「けものフレンズ」 2 4 6 8 11 -