オンゲキ Chapter1
オンゲキ Chapter1 is the first chapter of オンゲキ. It takes place across the original オンゲキ and consists of nine parts. Parts were added on the following dates:
- cp.1-4: launch
- cp.5-6: August 9th, 2018
- cp.7: September 6th, 2018
- cp.8: October 18th, 2018
- cp.9: December 20th, 2018
While considered chapter 0, the tutorial chapter, Let's Shoot! ONGEKI!(チュートリアル), is not listed, as it plays automatically during your first play of the game.
Clearing songs and meeting requirements will unlock new songs and charts to play, as well as the ability to buy cards at the shop. Some songs require jewels to be spent first to access them. Over time, songs are made available by default. See each individual part below to see for said release dates.
All songs played in order shown below.
Main Parts
cp.1: Let's aim! For lots of Cheers! (目指せ!いっぱいのエール!)
All songs unlocked by default on December 6th, 2018.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
STARTLINER | オンゲキ | 星咲 あかり Lv.2 | Spend 3 jewels. |
Perfect Shining!! | オンゲキ | 星咲 あかり Lv.1 | None |
君の知らない物語 | POPS & ANIME | 星咲 あかり Lv.1 | None |
シュガーソングとビターステップ | POPS & ANIME | 星咲 あかり Lv.1 | None |
檄!帝国華撃団 | VARIETY | 星咲 あかり Lv.1 | None |
回レ!雪月花 | POPS & ANIME | 星咲 あかり Lv.3 | Spend 10 jewels. |
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ | チュウマイ | 星咲 あかり Lv.5 | Spend 20 jewels. |
みんな Happy!! | オンゲキ | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 | None |
ようこそジャパリパークへ | POPS & ANIME | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 | None |
ファッとして桃源郷 | POPS & ANIME | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 | None |
かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ~ぜっ! | POPS & ANIME | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 | None |
脳漿炸裂ガール | niconico | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.3 | Spend 10 jewels. |
Oshama Scramble! | チュウマイ | 藤沢 柚子 Lv.5 | Spend 20 jewels. |
Zest of Blue | オンゲキ | 三角 葵 Lv.1 | None |
This game | POPS & ANIME | 三角 葵 Lv.1 | None |
Los! Los! Los! | POPS & ANIME | 三角 葵 Lv.1 | None |
SAVIOR OF SONG | POPS & ANIME | 三角 葵 Lv.1 | None |
心象蜃気楼 | チュウマイ | 三角 葵 Lv.3 | Spend 10 jewels. |
The Formula | VARIETY | 三角 葵 Lv.5 | Spend 20 jewels. |
STARTLINER (LUNATIC) | LUNATIC | 星咲 あかり Lv.55 | Spend 1 jewel. |
cp.2: Self-Proclaimed: Strongest Superior, makes an entrance! (自称・超絶最強、登場!)
Here We Go! is playable by default since October 18th, 2018. All other songs were made default songs on October 24th, 2018.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
Here We Go | オンゲキ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.5 | None. |
Mare Maris | チュウマイ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv5 | None. |
Hyper Active | チュウマイ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.8 | Spend 5 jewels. |
Brain Power | VARIETY | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.8 | Spend 15 jewels. |
Halcyon | VARIETY | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.10 | Spend 30 jewels. |
Dolphika | オンゲキ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.10 | Spend 45 jewels. |
cp.3: Lies and Growling and Revenge (嘘とがおー!とかたき討ち)
P!P!P!P!がおー!! and タテマエと本心の大乱闘 were made default songs on October 18th, 2018, 六兆年と一夜物語 and 千本桜 on December 6th, 2018, and the rest were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
P!P!P!P!がおー!! | オンゲキ | 結城 莉玖 Lv.5 | None. |
天ノ弱 | niconico | 結城 莉玖 Lv.10 | None. |
おこちゃま戦争 | niconico | 結城 莉玖 Lv.15 | Spend 25 jewels. |
六兆年と一夜物語 | niconico | 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 | Spend 40 jewels. |
タテマエと本心の大乱闘 | オンゲキ | 藍原 椿 Lv.5 | None. |
千本桜 | niconico | 藍原 椿 Lv.10 | None. |
オモイヨシノ | VARIETY | 藍原 椿 Lv.15 | Spend 25 jewels. |
天火明命 | チュウマイ | 藍原 椿 Lv.20 | Spend 40 jewels. |
cp.4: Cafe de Scramble (カフェ de スクランブル)
The オンゲキ songs were made default songs on November 29th, 2018. キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 was made a default song on December 6th, 2018. The rest of the songs were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
Cyberozar | チュウマイ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.20 | Spend 30 jewels. |
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! | チュウマイ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.20 | Spend 45 jewels. |
Ai Nov | オンゲキ | 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.30 | Spend 60 jewels. |
キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 | niconico | 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 | Spend 30 jewels. |
Gate of Doom | チュウマイ | 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 | Spend 45 jewels. |
ロッキンピンクモンスター | オンゲキ | 結城 莉玖 Lv.30 | Spend 60 jewels. |
木彫り鯰と右肩ゾンビ | niconico | 藍原 椿 Lv.20 | Spend 30 jewels. |
鬼KYOKAN | niconico | 藍原 椿 Lv.20 | Spend 45 jewels. |
ブツメツビーターズ | オンゲキ | 藍原 椿 Lv.30 | Spend 60 jewels. |
cp.5: Haru-chan-style Bento (ハルちゃん印のお弁当)
SWEET SHAKE!! and What color... were made default songs on October 18th, 2018. All other songs (except First Twinkle and We Gonna Journey) were made default songs on November 8th, 2018. First Twinkle and We Gonna Journey became default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
鳥の詩 | POPS & ANIME | 桜井 春菜 Lv.20 | Spend 45 jewels. |
Red "reduction division" -crossroads version- | POPS & ANIME | 桜井 春菜 Lv.15 | None. |
SWEET SHAKE!! | オンゲキ | 桜井 春菜 Lv.10 | None. |
What color... | オンゲキ | 早乙女 彩華 Lv.10 | None. |
SAKURA | POPS & ANIME | 早乙女 彩華 Lv.15 | None. |
We Gonna Journey | チュウマイ | 早乙女 彩華 Lv.30 | Spend 75 jewels. |
Paqqin | チュウマイ | 早乙女 彩華 Lv.20 | Spend 45 jewels. |
First Twinkle | チュウマイ | 桜井 春菜 Lv.30 | Spend 75 jewels. |
cp.6: Trouble! The Vice President’s Announcement! (波乱!副会長の通告)
閃鋼のブリューナク and 神威 were made default songs on December 20th, 2018. The オンゲキ originals were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
閃鋼のブリューナク | チュウマイ | 九條 楓 Lv.30 | None. |
神威 | VARIETY | 九條 楓 Lv.30 | Spend 60 jewels. |
Maqrite | オンゲキ | 九條 楓 Lv.40 | Spend 90 jewels. |
Sword of Secret | オンゲキ | 九條 楓 Lv.40 | Spend 75 jewels. |
Everlasting Today | オンゲキ | 九條 楓 Lv.50 | Spend 120 jewels. |
cp.7: A wild Koboshi and Saki appear! (小星と咲姫があらわれた!)
The オンゲキ originals were made default songs on October 18th, 2018. The rest were made default songs on March 14th, 2019 in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
GAME IS LIFE | オンゲキ | 井之原 小星 Lv.35 | None. |
ぼくらの16bit戦争 | niconico | 井之原 小星 Lv.35 | Spend 45 jewels. |
oboro | チュウマイ | 井之原 小星 Lv.45 | Spend 75 jewels. |
GranFatalité | オンゲキ | 柏木 咲姫 Lv.35 | None. |
Äventyr | VARIETY | 柏木 咲姫 Lv.35 | Spend 45 jewels. |
7thSense | チュウマイ | 柏木 咲姫 Lv.45 | Spend 75 jewels. |
cp.8: An Invitation for World Conquest (世界征服のお誘い)
今ぞ♡崇め奉れ☆オマエらよ!!~姫の秘メタル渇望~ became a default song on December 20th, 2018. All other songs became default songs on March 28th, 2019 in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
今ぞ♡崇め奉れ☆オマエらよ!!~姫の秘メタル渇望~ | チュウマイ | 逢坂 茜 Lv.35 | Spend 60 jewels. |
Kattobi KEIKYU Rider | チュウマイ | 逢坂 茜 Lv.40 | Spend 75 jewels. |
エンドマークに希望と涙を添えて | チュウマイ | 逢坂 茜 Lv.45 | Spend 90 jewels. |
Dazzle hop | オンゲキ | 逢坂 茜 Lv.50 | Spend 120 jewels. |
YURUSHITE | オンゲキ | 逢坂 茜 Lv.60 | Spend 150 jewels. |
cp.9: The Mastermind is a... Stuffed Animal? (黒幕はぬいぐるみ?)
怒槌 was made a default song on January 17th, 2019. The other three became default songs on June 27th, 2019 in オンゲキ PLUS.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
怒槌 | チュウマイ | 珠洲島 有栖 Lv.50 | Spend 100 jewels. |
混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ | チュウマイ | 珠洲島 有栖 Lv.55 | Spend 120 jewels. |
Opfer | オンゲキ | 珠洲島 有栖 Lv.60 | Spend 180 jewels. |
Titania | オンゲキ | 珠洲島 有栖 Lv.70 | Spend 250 jewels. |
Other Chapters
BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! (バンドリ!ガールズバンドパーティ!)
The following five songs were unlockable in a timed event from the game's launch on July 26th through September 5th, 2018. Since then, they were all made playable by default. For more information on the event itself, please see here.
An additional five songs were unlockable from December 6th, 2018 through February 7th, 2019. Since オンゲキ PLUS, they were all made playable by default. For more information on this iteration of the event, please see here.
All these songs appear in the POPS & ANIME folder.
Song | Rival | Requirements |
ときめきエクスペリエンス! | 戸山香澄 Lv.1 | None. |
That Is How I Roll! | 美竹蘭 Lv.1 | None. |
しゅわりん☆どり~みん | 丸山彩 Lv.1 | None. |
BLACK SHOUT | 湊友希那 Lv.1 | None. |
えがおのオーケストラっ! | 弦巻こころ Lv.1 | None. |
Song | Rival | Requirements |
CiRCLING | 戸山香澄 Lv.10 | None. |
Hey-day狂騒曲(カプリチオ) | 美竹蘭 Lv.10 | None. |
ゆら・ゆらRing-Dong-Dance | 丸山彩 Lv.10 | None. |
Opera of the wasteland | 湊友希那 Lv.10 | None. |
ゴーカ! ごーかい!? ファントムシーフ! | 弦巻こころ Lv.10 | None. |
The following LUNATIC charts can be unlocked from August 9th, 2018. All chapters up to the current chapter released at the time must be completed to unlock these charts. Both of these charts were added for regular play on January 31st, 2019. More details on the event can be found here.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
No Remorse | LUNATIC | あかニャン Lv.50 | Spend 100 jewels. |
初音ミクの激唱 | LUNATIC | あおニャン Lv.50 | Spend 100 jewels. |
Touhou Project Chapter (東方Project)
The following 東方Project songs can be unlocked from August 30th, 2018. All these songs were made default songs on November 22nd, 2018. More details on the event can be found here.
Two more songs can be unlocked from November 22nd. They were made available by default on January 31st, 2019.
All these songs appear in the 東方Project folder, except for the LUNATIC chart for ナイト・オブ・ナイツ.
Song | Rival | Requirements |
Bad Apple!! feat.nomico | 博麗 霊夢 Lv.1 | None. |
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ | 霧雨 魔理沙 Lv.1 | None. |
幻想のサテライト | 霧雨 魔理沙 Lv.6 | Spend 15 jewels. |
Grip & Break down !! | 博麗 霊夢 Lv.5 | Spend 30 jewels. |
月に叢雲華に風 | 博麗 霊夢 Lv.1 | None. |
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (LUNATIC) | みどニャン Lv.50 | Spend 100 jewels. |
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Chapter (東方紅魔郷)
The following 東方Project songs could be unlocked from September 20th until October 18th, 2018. Three more songs were later added on October 4th, 2018. All these songs were made default songs on November 1st, 2018. More details on the event can be found here.
A second set of songs was later added On October 4th, 2018.
All these songs appear in the 東方Project folder.
Song | Rival | Requirements |
Energy Booster ~ 上海紅茶館 | 紅 美鈴 Lv.1 | None. |
アクアテラリウム | パチュリー・ノーレッジ Lv.5 | None. |
四次元跳躍機関 | 十六夜 咲夜 Lv.5 | None. |
れみりあ☆デスティニー | レミリア・スカーレット Lv.8 | None. |
sweet little sister | フランドール・スカーレット Lv.8 | None. |
Destiny Runner | レミリア・スカーレット Lv.20 | None. |
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S | フランドール・スカーレット Lv.25 | None. |
KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Season 2 (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!2)
The following songs could be unlocked from November 1st through November 29th, 2018. The first five songs were added at the event's start, with the next five added on November 15th. All these songs were made default songs on December 6th, 2018. More details on the event can be found here.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
TOMORROW | POPS & ANIME | 戸山香澄 Lv.1 | None. |
カミサマネジマキ | niconico | 藤沢柚子 Lv.5 | Spend 15 event jewels. |
いーあるふぁんくらぶ | niconico | 藤沢柚子 Lv.8 | Spend 15 event jewels. |
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい | niconico | 藤沢柚子 Lv.10 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ! | niconico | 藤沢柚子 Lv.15 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
Red Battle | POPS & ANIME | めぐみん Lv.1 | None. |
わたし音頭 | POPS & ANIME | アクア Lv.1 | None. |
連れ去って・閉じ込めて・好きにして | POPS & ANIME | ダクネス Lv.1 | None. |
GOODRAGE | VARIETY | 三角葵 Lv.1 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
Dragoon | チュウマイ | 三角葵 Lv.1 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
Ange Vierge (アンジュ・ヴィエルジュ)
The following songs could be unlocked from January 10th through February 7th, 2019. The first four songs were added at the event's start, with the next six added on January 24th, 2019. All these songs were made default songs on February 7th, 2019. More details on the event can be found here.
Song | Genre | Rival | Requirements |
HARMONIZE | POPS & ANIME | 日向 美海 Lv.1 | None. |
secret base ~君がくれたもの~ (10 years after Ver.) | POPS & ANIME | 星咲あかり Lv.5 | Spend 15 event jewels. |
God knows... | POPS & ANIME | 星咲あかり Lv.8 | Spend 15 event jewels. |
STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑ | POPS & ANIME | 星咲あかり Lv.10 | Spend 15 event jewels. |
Link of Destiny | POPS & ANIME | 日向 美海 Lv.10 | None. |
Love is MY RAIL | POPS & ANIME | 彩城 天音 Lv.10 | None. |
Link with U | POPS & ANIME | 東条 遥 Lv.10 | None. |
こころここから | チュウマイ | 星咲あかり Lv.35 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
ロボットプラネットユートピア | チュウマイ | 藤沢柚子 Lv.35 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
時の冒険者 | チュウマイ | 三角葵 Lv.35 | Spend 30 event jewels. |
オンゲキ Chapters | |
オンゲキ Chapters List | Chapter1 - Chapter2 - Chapter3 - Chapter4 - Chapter5 - Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. |