オンゲキ Chapter

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Chapters are the main unlocking system of オンゲキ. Almost all songs and characters in the series are unlocked this way. Over time, though, older songs will be unlocked by default.

Chapter 1: Encounters (出会い編)

Chapter 2: Part-time Job (バイト編)

Chapter 3: Shooter Festival (シューターフェス編)

Chapter 4: Principal Election (学園長総選挙編)

Chapter 5: O.N.G.E.K.I. bright (オンゲキ bright)

  • cp.1: Aiming for the star I saw that day (あの日見た星を目指して) - added October 21st, 2021

Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. (Memoryチャプター)