
Revision as of 16:14, 5 January 2023 by MENDES (talk | contribs)
maimai DX Chinese releases
1st - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Region Switcher
Japan - Asia - China

Release Information


  • Location test dates:
    • September 10th to 12th, 2019 (GTI 2019 exhibition)
    • October 2nd to 6th, 2019 (CICF Expo 2019)
  • Release date: December 5th, 2019


  • Chinese/English transliterations/translations/rewrites of Japanese song names are gone. Song name groupings are now same as the Japanese version.
  • Most text, except song names, artist names and chart designer names, has been translated into Chinese, although somehow badly.
    • For difficulty names, both the English names and Chinese names are shown. (In 舞萌, only Chinese ones are shown.)
      • The Re:MASTER difficulty which didn't exist back in 舞萌 is translated as 宗师.
    • The note types and timing judgments are left in English, unlike in 舞萌.
    • Names of Collection items are left in Japanese, unlike in 舞萌.
  • The voices of in-game characters (the bears) are translated into Chinese (except みつよしっくま, which retains Takenobu Mitsuyoshi's voice). The characters are probably voiced by Wahlap staff. Notably, the Chinese voice of Delu-kuma sounds like Don-chan in Taiko 11/12 Asia.
  • In the song select screen, when version grouping is chosen, the group name for maimai DX shows in text (when not activated) as maimai でらっくす, but the logo that shows when it's activated is that of 舞萌DX.
    • For the maimai:1st group, both the text and the logo shows maimai instead of 舞萌 as one might expect.
  • DX Passes, Standard Course for maimaiDX-NET, and Freedom Mode are not available.
  • It uses WeChat for login and maimaiDX-NET.
  • maimaiDX-NET can only be accessed in WeChat, and has reduced functionality. The following is a list of menu items available in the Japan version of maimaiDX-NET. Items in bold, as well as the options button at the top-right corner, are missing in the China version.
    • On April 2nd, 2021, it was announced that changing the player name would be possible since April 12th 8:00 UTC+8. It would be accessible via the options button at the top-right corner, which has been absent before this. No other options are available in the options page, however.

Records in the maimai series (i.e. pre-DX)
Player data
Player data
DX Pass
Sent friend requests
Received friend requests
Album (Moved to the Player data section)
Play log
Song score
Event Areas
Ended Event Areas
Name plate
Tour Member
By song
Total DX score
Total achievement rate
Total sync point
Total number of times of awakening

Update History



  • Release date: August 7th ~ 11th, 2020 (physical update kit)
  • Since Ievan Polkka was removed, the tutorial BGM has been changed to a newly composed song specifically made for the tutorial. Source
  • 段位 rating is calculated according to the DX+ tables. However the mechanics remain the same as DX. Source
  • Added total distance display in the Area-running screen
  • Preload new content that would be released on August 14th (new songs; ドラゴンちほー, 天界ちほー, 結月ゆかりちほー)
    • Due to a configuration error, they were not locked until the intended release date of August 14th, and was available as soon as the update was installed.
  • Restore some of the removed videos (currently confirmed: DADDY MULK)


  • Release date: August 12th, 2020
  • Locked preload content until August 14th


  • Release date: August 21st, 2020
  • Rating calculation bug fixed; some players reported that their ratings decreased in 1.01-A and went back to the previous value in 1.01-B
  • Removal of the 4 Persona songs announced; Ievan Polkka to return later (but it never did)
  • Fixed the bug that some titles related to 段位 cannot be obtained


  • Release date: October 1st, 2020
  • Release new content (new songs; からめるちほー, イロドリミドリちほー)
    • Due to an error in configuration, these contents were released in the morning of September 23th for a short period of time. They were hidden again later that day. However, the version is still 1.01-B as of September 30th.
  • Final content update corresponding to the Japanese version of DX 1st.



Licensed Songs Status

The 5 Chinese songs in 舞萌 are gone. On the other hand, 39 was absent in 舞萌, but is present in 舞萌DX, along with its DX charts.

All licensed songs absent in the Asian version are absent in the Chinese version as well.

The following licensed songs are present in the Asian version, but are absent in the Chinese version:

Song Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Stand Up!!!! maimai ORANGE 4 6 8+ 11 -
おこちゃま戦争 maimai ORANGE 4 6 9 12 -
1/3の純情な感情 maimai ORANGE PLUS 5 6 8+ 10+ -
CALL HEAVEN!! maimai MURASAKi PLUS 4 6 9 10+ -
Sunshine world tour maimai MURASAKi PLUS 4 7 8+ 11 -
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー maimai MiLK 5 7+ 10 12 -
ギリギリ最強あいまいみー! maimai MiLK 5 7 9 12+ -
Since 1.01
Pursuing My True Self maimai ORANGE PLUS 4 7 9+ 11 -
Signs Of Love (“Never More” ver.) maimai ORANGE PLUS 4 7 9+ 11+ -
specialist (“Never More” ver.) maimai ORANGE PLUS 4 6 9 11 -
Time To Make History (AKIRA YAMAOKA Remix) maimai ORANGE PLUS 5 7 9 12 -
Ievan Polkka maimai MiLK PLUS 3 6 10+ 12 -
Since 1.01-E
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました maimai GreeN 4 6 7+ 11+ -

New Songs / DX Charts

Song Artist Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
HOT LIMIT T.M.Revolution [covered by 光吉猛修] 4 6 9 11+ -
LOSER 米津玄師 1 6 8 11+ -
U.S.A. DA PUMP 2 6 8+ 11 12
DX Charts
土間うまる [CV.田中あいみ]「干物妹!うまるちゃん」 4 6 8+ 11+ -
新宝島 サカナクション 3 6 8+ 11 -
DX Charts
niconico & VOCALOID
DX Charts
sasakure.UK x DECO*27 4 7 9 12 -
Strobe♡Girl colate 3 7 9+ 12 -
アディショナルメモリー じん 4 6 9+ 12 -
DX Charts
バルーン 3 6 8+ 10+ -
ジャガーノート 夏代孝明 feat. 初音ミク 4 6 9 11+ -
メルト supercell 3 6 8 11 -
メルティランドナイトメア はるまきごはん feat.初音ミク 2 6 8 11+ -
DX Charts
れるりり 4 6 10+ 12+ -
アウトサイダー Eve 4 7 9 12 -
DX Charts
kemu 5 7+ 9 12+ -
DX Charts
みきとP 3 6 8 10+ -
Unlockable in GYARIちほー
アカリがやってきたぞっ GYARI 4 6 9+ 11+ -
Unlockable in Project DIVAちほー
アマツキツネ まらしぃ 4 7 8+ 11+ -
デンパラダイム lumo 4 7+ 11 12+ -
骸骨楽団とリリア トーマ 4 7+ 10 12+ -
星屑ユートピア otetsu 4 7 10 12 -
Scream out! -maimai SONIC WASHER Edit-
DX Charts
A-One 4 7 10+ 12+ -
DX Charts
暁Records 3 7 9 11 -
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 ⑨周年バージョン
DX Charts
IOSYS愉快な⑨周年フレンズ 4 7 9 12 -
DX Charts
豚乙女 4 7+ 10 12+ -
DX Charts
ARM+夕野ヨシミ(IOSYS)feat. miko 3 7+ 10+ 12+ -
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix) ビートまりお × Cranky 4 7 10 12+ -
DX Charts
幽閉サテライト feat.senya 2 6 9 12 -
Unlockable in 東方Projectちほー
げきオコスティックファイナリアリティぷんぷんマスタースパーク ARM (IOSYS) 4 7 9+ 12 -
Calamity Fortune
DX Charts
LeaF 5 8 11 12+ -
Little "Sister" Bitch t+pazolite 5 7+ 10+ 12+ -
Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE (2019 Update) くっちー (DARKSIDE APPROACH) 4 7+ 10+ 13 -
DX Charts
siromaru + cranky 4 8 11 12+ -
Destr0yer Sakuzyo feat. Nikki Simmons 4 7+ 10+ 12+ -
Oshama Scramble!
DX Charts
t+pazolite 5 8+ 11 13 -
Unlockable in はじまりのちほー
でらっくmaimai♪てんてこまい! やしきん feat.でらっくま(CV:三森すずこ) 5 7+ 9+ 12 -
超常マイマイン ナユタン星人 3 7 9+ 12 -
P-qoq owl*tree 3 7 10 12+ -
バーチャルダム ネーション Sampling Masters MEGA 4 8 10 13 -
MAXRAGE EBIMAYO 5 7+ 10+ 12+ -
Unlockable in 青春ちほー
STEREOSCAPE 164 feat. めいちゃん 3 6 9 11+ -
Crazy Circle みきとP feat. FantasticYouth 3 6 9 12 -
Unlockable in BLACK ROSEちほー
BLACK ROSE S!N・+α/あるふぁきゅん。×ALI PROJECT 3 6 9 11+ -
Secret Sleuth 島爺×蜂屋ななし 4 7 10 12+ -
Unlockable in メトロポリスちほー
Scarlet Wings REDALiCE feat. Ayumi Nomiya 4 7+ 10 12 -
Technicians High HiTECH NINJA 5 8 11 12+ -
魔ジョ狩リ Nothing But Requiem (feat.Aikapin & Chiyoko) 6 8 10+ 12+ -
TwisteD! XD t+pazolite 5 8+ 10+ 13 -
Blows Up Everything USAO 6 9 11 13 13+
August 14th, 2020
niconico & VOCALOID
イカサマライフゲイム kemu 4 7+ 10 12 -
39みゅーじっく! みきとP 3 6 9 11 -
だれかの心臓になれたなら ユリイ・カノン feat.GUMI 4 6 8+ 11+ -
グリーンライツ・セレナーデ Omoi feat. 初音ミク 4 7 9+ 12 -
METEOR DIVELA feat.初音ミク 3 7 9 11+ -
CocktaiL XYZ 3 6 8+ 12 -
quiet room 有機酸 3 6 8 12 -
だからパンを焼いたんだ あわのあゆむ 3 6 8+ 11+ -
太陽系デスコ ナユタン星人 4 6 9 11+ -
Unlockable in 結月ゆかりちほー
幾望の月 なきゃむりゃ 5 7+ 10 12 -
サヨナラチェーンソー くらげP 3 6 9 12 -
Halcyon xi 4 8 10+ 12+ -
サンバランド SAMBA MASTER 佐藤 2 7 10 12 -
プナイプナイせんそう 立秋 feat.ちょこ 5 8 11 13 -
Titania xi 6 8 11+ 13 -
玩具狂奏曲 -終焉- きくお 6 8 12 13 -
Unlockable in ドラゴンちほー
キリキリ舞Mine A-One 5 7+ 10+ 12+ -
福宿音屋魂音泉 魂音泉 4 7 10 12+ -
Now or Never MintJam 5 7 10 12+ -
一か罰 豚乙女 5 7+ 10+ 12 -
Unlockable in 天界ちほー
アポカリプスに反逆の焔を焚べろ cosMo@暴走AlterEgo 6 8 11+ 13+ -
TEmPTaTiON かねこちはる 6 8 11+ 13+ -
October 1st, 2020
デビル☆アイドル アイラ(CV:三森すずこ)シマ(CV:井口裕香)はな(CV:花澤香菜) 3 7 9 11+ -
Unlockable in からめるちほー
DX Charts
Tanchiky 5 8 10+ 12+ -
BOKUTO じーざすP feat.kradness 4 7 10+ 12+ -
立川浄穢捕物帳 青島探偵事務所器楽捜査部B担 4 7+ 10+ 12+ -
Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! 曲:宮崎誠 歌:オンゲキシューターズ 4 7 9 11+ -
STARTLINER 曲:kz(livetune) 歌:オンゲキシューターズ 3 6 8+ 11 -
Unlockable in からめるちほー
♡マイマイマイラブ♡ ビートまりお 5 7+ 9+ 12 -
Unlockable in イロドリミドリちほー
Agitation! 舞ヶ原高校軽音部 4 7 9+ 11+ -
管弦楽組曲 第3番 ニ長調「第2曲(G線上のアリア)」BWV.1068-2 月鈴 那知(ヴァイオリン) 伴奏:イロドリミドリ 4 7+ 10 12+ -
Change Our MIRAI!
DX Charts
イロドリミドリ「CHUNITHM」 5 7+ 10 12 -
December 24th, 2020
ラブ・ドラマティック feat. 伊原六花 鈴木雅之 2 6 9 11+ -
馬と鹿 米津玄師 1 5 8 12 -
Unlockable in ポンコツクエストちほー
いつかいい感じにアレしよう カクとイムラ(CV:松本慶祐) 3 6 9+ 12+ -
niconico & VOCALOID
アンドロイドガール DECO*27 4 7+ 10 12 -
ビターチョコデコレーション syudou 4 7 9 12 -
スロウダウナー ろくろ 4 7 9 11+ -
スターリースカイ☆パレード キノシタ feat. 音街ウナ・鏡音リン 4 7 9+ 11+ -
Bad Apple!! feat.nomico (REDALiCE Remix) Masayoshi Minoshima × REDALiCE 4 7 10 12 -
ソリッド 豚乙女 4 7+ 10 12 -
Black Lair 削除 feat. void(Mournfinale) 5 8 10+ 12+ -
BATTLE NO.1 TANO*C Sound Team 6 8 12 13 -
Valsqotch owl*tree feat.chi*tree 6 8+ 12 13+ -
ヤミツキ MARETU 4 7 9+ 12 -
Unlockable in はじまりのちほー2
ここからはじまるプロローグ。 ああああ 4 7+ 10 12 -
絡めトリック利己ライザー じーざす(ワンダフル☆オポチュニティ!) feat.Kradness 5 7+ 10 12 -
モ°ルモ°ル sasakure.UK 6 8 11+ 13 -
UniTas Masahiro "Godspeed" Aoki VS Kai 5 8 11 13+ -