maimai DX:FESTiVAL: Difference between revisions

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{{Songlist Date|Launch|anchor=20220915}}
{{Songlist Date|Launch|anchor=20220915}}
{{Songlist Category|POPS & ANIME|bg=#ff972a}}
{{Songlist Category|POPS & ANIME|bg=#ff972a}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Annoying! Sunsun week!|アノーイング!さんさんウィーク!]]|五十嵐双葉(CV:楠木ともり)、桜井桃子(CV:早見沙織)、黒部夏美(CV:青山玲菜)、月城モナ(CV:古賀葵)|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Annoying! Sunsun week!|アノーイング!さんさんウィーク!]]|五十嵐双葉(CV:楠木ともり)、桜井桃子(CV:早見沙織)、黒部夏美(CV:青山玲菜)、月城モナ(CV:古賀葵)|1|6|8|12+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Odo|踊]]|Ado|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Odo|踊]]|Ado|2|6|8|11|13}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Zankyou sanka|残響散歌]]|Aimer|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Zankyou sanka|残響散歌]]|Aimer|3|6|9+|13+}}
{{Songlist Category|niconico & VOCALOID|bg=#09c8d4}}
{{Songlist Category|niconico & VOCALOID|bg=#09c8d4}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[EYE]]|Kanaria|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[EYE]]|Kanaria|2|6|9|12+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Animal|アニマル]]|[[DECO*27]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Animal|アニマル]]|[[DECO*27]]|3|7+|10+|13}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Dilemma|ジレンマ]]|[[DECO*27]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Dilemma|ジレンマ]]|[[DECO*27]]|3|7|10|12+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Phony|フォニイ]]|[[Tsumiki|ツミキ]] feat.音楽的同位体 可不(KAFU)|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Phony|フォニイ]]|[[Tsumiki|ツミキ]] feat.音楽的同位体 可不(KAFU)|2|6|9+|11|13}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Villain|ヴィラン]]|flower・てにをは|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Villain|ヴィラン]]|flower・てにをは|2|6|9|11+|13}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable in [[maimai DX:FESTiVAL/Areas#DECO*27ちほー|DECO*27ちほー]]}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable in [[maimai DX:FESTiVAL/Areas#DECO*27ちほー|DECO*27ちほー]]}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Mozaik role|モザイクロール]]{{DX}}|[[DECO*27]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Mozaik role|モザイクロール]]{{DX}}|[[DECO*27]]|3|6|10|13}}
{{Songlist Category|Stamp Card unlock}}
{{Songlist Category|Stamp Card unlock}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[M.S.S.Planet]]{{DX}}|[[M.S.S Project]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[M.S.S.Planet]]{{DX}}|[[M.S.S Project]]|3|7|9+|13}}
{{Songlist Category|東方Project|bg=#b15bf4}}
{{Songlist Category|東方Project|bg=#b15bf4}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Scarlet keisatsu no ghetto patrol 24 ji|スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時]]|[[Daisuke Watanabe|七条レタスグループ]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Scarlet keisatsu no ghetto patrol 24 ji|スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時]]|[[Daisuke Watanabe|七条レタスグループ]]|3|7|9|13}}
{{Songlist Category|Stamp Card unlock}}
{{Songlist Category|Stamp Card unlock}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Kyouen|響縁]]{{DX}}|[[Butaotome|豚乙女]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Kyouen|響縁]]{{DX}}|[[Butaotome|豚乙女]]|2|7|10|13}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME & VARIETY|bg=#42de6a}}
{{Songlist Category|GAME & VARIETY|bg=#42de6a}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Tanaka|田中]]|[[Rissyuu|立秋]] feat.ちょこ|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Tanaka|田中]]|[[Rissyuu|立秋]] feat.ちょこ|5|8|12|14}}
{{Songlist Category|maimai|bg=#f74949}}
{{Songlist Category|maimai|bg=#f74949}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Bunkai shuusoku tale|分解収束テイル]]|[[un:c]]・[[konoco]]×[[cosMo@Bousou-P|cosMo@暴走P]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Bunkai shuusoku tale|分解収束テイル]]|[[un:c]]・[[konoco]]×[[cosMo@Bousou-P|cosMo@暴走P]]|3|7+|11|13+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Hoshi meguri, hate no kimi e.|星めぐり、果ての君へ。]]|TAKU1175 ft.[[Dadaco|駄々子]]|-|-|-|-|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Hoshi meguri, hate no kimi e.|星めぐり、果ての君へ。]]|TAKU1175 ft.[[Dadaco|駄々子]]|-|-|-|-|13}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable in [[maimai DX:FESTiVAL/Areas#ハピフェスちほー|ハピフェスちほー]]<br>(with Perfect Challenge)}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable in [[maimai DX:FESTiVAL/Areas#ハピフェスちほー|ハピフェスちほー]]<br>(with Perfect Challenge)}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Hoshi shizuku|ホシシズク]]|[[Shinrabanshou|森羅万象]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Hoshi shizuku|ホシシズク]]|[[Shinrabanshou|森羅万象]]|4|7+|10|12+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Rainbow Rush Story]]|いるかアイス feat.[[Choko|ちょこ]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Rainbow Rush Story]]|いるかアイス feat.[[Choko|ちょこ]]|4|8|10|13+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Tricolor circuS|Tricolor⁂circuS]]|[[aaaa|ああ]]…[[Isuka Hino|翡翠]][[Umeboshi Chazuke|茶漬け]]…|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Tricolor circuS|Tricolor⁂circuS]]|[[aaaa|ああ]]…[[Isuka Hino|翡翠]][[Umeboshi Chazuke|茶漬け]]…|4|7|10+|13+}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[(X)|[X]]]|[[Blacklolita]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[(X)|[X]]]|[[Blacklolita]]|5|8|12|14}}
{{Songlist Category|ONGEKI & CHUNITHM|bg=#3585fe}}
{{Songlist Category|ONGEKI & CHUNITHM|bg=#3585fe}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable by playing it in CHUNITHM}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable by playing it in CHUNITHM}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Kumo no ito|蜘蛛の糸]]|[[Kikuo|きくお]]×[[cosMo@Bousou-P|cosMo@暴走P]] feat.影縫英|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Kumo no ito|蜘蛛の糸]]|[[Kikuo|きくお]]×[[cosMo@Bousou-P|cosMo@暴走P]] feat.影縫英|5|8+|12+|14}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable by playing it in オンゲキ}}
{{Songlist Category|Unlockable by playing it in オンゲキ}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Don't Fight The Music]]|[[Masaki Sekikawa|黒魔]]|?|?|?|?}}
{{maimai DX Song|[[Don't Fight The Music]]|[[Masaki Sekikawa|黒魔]]|5|9|12+|14}}

Revision as of 01:30, 15 September 2022

1st (舞萌, PLUS) - GreeN (PLUS) - ORANGE (PLUS)
maimai でらっくす
1st (PLUS) - Splash (PLUS) - UNiVERSE (PLUS)
Region Switcher
Japan - Asia - China

Release Information

maimai DX FESTiVAL.png

  • Release date: September 15th, 2022

General Information / Changes

  • BREAK notes are greatly expanded:
    • BREAK HOLD and BREAK SLIDE notes appear for the first time.
    • EX BREAK notes now appear.
  • Various new SLIDE shapes appear.
  • TOUCH notes can now spawn in different areas, and effects for TOUCH notes not located in the centre now appear.
  • Addition of multiple Recommended Song categories.
    • A category is added that displays current popular songs.
    • A category is added that displays songs based on the player's でらっくす rating.
      • This is only available once the player's rating reaches 4000, and will be hidden again at a high enough value.
    • A category is added that displays songs based on your play history.
  • Random Select has been added, allowing players to select a random song from a selected category.
  • Songs on the select screen can now be categorised by the rank previously acquired.
  • Various score information will be displayed on the song select screen. Such as Clear Percentage, Completion Rate, Clear Rank, Full Combo / All Perfect, Sync status and the でらっくす score.
  • New Sound effects have been added.
  • Various tour members that previously would be unlocked by visiting areas are now unlocked by default.
  • Quick Retry has been added when playing Freedom Mode.
  • Dan ranking has been reset.
  • Friend Matching can be played can now be played outside of the active season period.
  • Access to the Infinite Area is now available by default.
    • All songs are considered bonus songs in this area, therefore the area bonus category is hidden when progressing through it.
  • Volume levels have been increased for louder gameplay by raising the maximum volume from 5 to 10, while adjusting the balance for each value.
Volume Adjustment
Setting Before After
OFF 0% 0%
1 20% 25%
2 40% 50%
3 60% 75%
4 80% 100%
5 100%
6 - 150%
7 - 175%
8 - 200%
9 - 225%
10 - 250%


See /Areas.

Staff Information

To be added.

Complete Songlist by Genre

See /Complete Songlist.

New Songs / DX Charts

Song Artist Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
アノーイング!さんさんウィーク! 五十嵐双葉(CV:楠木ともり)、桜井桃子(CV:早見沙織)、黒部夏美(CV:青山玲菜)、月城モナ(CV:古賀葵) 1 6 8 12+ -
Ado 2 6 8 11 13
残響散歌 Aimer 3 6 9+ 13+ -
niconico & VOCALOID
EYE Kanaria 2 6 9 12+ -
アニマル DECO*27 3 7+ 10+ 13 -
ジレンマ DECO*27 3 7 10 12+ -
フォニイ ツミキ feat.音楽的同位体 可不(KAFU) 2 6 9+ 11 13
ヴィラン flower・てにをは 2 6 9 11+ 13
Unlockable in DECO*27ちほー
DX Charts
DECO*27 3 6 10 13 -
Stamp Card unlock
DX Charts
M.S.S Project 3 7 9+ 13 -
スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時 七条レタスグループ 3 7 9 13 -
Stamp Card unlock
DX Charts
豚乙女 2 7 10 13 -
田中 立秋 feat.ちょこ 5 8 12 14 -
分解収束テイル un:ckonoco×cosMo@暴走P 3 7+ 11 13+ -
星めぐり、果ての君へ。 TAKU1175 ft.駄々子 - - - - 13
Unlockable in ハピフェスちほー
(with Perfect Challenge)
ホシシズク 森羅万象 4 7+ 10 12+ -
Rainbow Rush Story いるかアイス feat.ちょこ 4 8 10 13+ -
Tricolor⁂circuS ああ翡翠茶漬け 4 7 10+ 13+ -
[X] Blacklolita 5 8 12 14 -
Unlockable by playing it in CHUNITHM
蜘蛛の糸 きくお×cosMo@暴走P feat.影縫英 5 8+ 12+ 14 -
Unlockable by playing it in オンゲキ
Don't Fight The Music 黒魔 5 9 12+ 14 -

Difficulty Changes


Revived Songs


Removed Songs

The following songs appearing in maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE PLUS were removed.

Song Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
ファッとして桃源郷 maimai MURASAKi 6 6 10 13 -
徒花ネクロマンシー maimai でらっくす 3 7 10 12 -
目覚めRETURNER maimai でらっくす 3 7 9 11+ -
青空のラプソディ maimai でらっくす PLUS 2 6 9+ 12 -
ラブ・ドラマティック feat. 伊原六花 maimai でらっくす PLUS 3 6 9 11+ -
異世界かるてっと maimai でらっくす PLUS 3 6 9+ 12 -
オトモダチフィルム maimai でらっくす PLUS 4 7 9+ 11+ -
馬と鹿 maimai でらっくす PLUS 1 5 8 12 -
niconico & VOCALOID
毒占欲 maimai ORANGE 3 7 10+ 13 -
名探偵連続殺人事件 maimai MURASAKi PLUS 5 6 11 12 -