オンゲキ Chapter1

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オンゲキ Chapter1 is the first chapter of オンゲキ. It takes place across the original オンゲキ and consists of nine parts. Parts were added on the following dates:

  • cp.1-4: launch
  • cp.5-6: August 9th, 2018
  • cp.7: September 6th, 2018
  • cp.8: October 18th, 2018
  • cp.9: December 20th, 2018

While considered chapter 0, the tutorial chapter, Let's Shoot! ONGEKI!(チュートリアル), is not listed, as it plays automatically during your first play of the game.

Clearing songs and meeting requirements will unlock new songs and charts to play, as well as the ability to buy cards at the shop. Some songs require jewels to be spent first to access them. Over time, songs are made available by default. See each individual part below to see for said release dates.

All songs played in order shown below.

cp.1: Aim for it! Lots of cheer! (目指せ!いっぱいのエール!)

All songs unlocked by default on December 6th, 2018.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.1 songs
STARTLINER オンゲキ 星咲 あかり Lv.2 Spend 3 jewels.
Perfect Shining!! オンゲキ 星咲 あかり Lv.1 None
君の知らない物語 POPS & ANIME 星咲 あかり Lv.1 None
シュガーソングとビターステップ POPS & ANIME 星咲 あかり Lv.1 None
檄!帝国華撃団 VARIETY 星咲 あかり Lv.1 None
回レ!雪月花 POPS & ANIME 星咲 あかり Lv.3 Spend 10 jewels.
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ チュウマイ 星咲 あかり Lv.5 Spend 20 jewels.
みんな Happy!! オンゲキ 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 None
ようこそジャパリパークへ POPS & ANIME 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 None
ファッとして桃源郷 POPS & ANIME 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 None
かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ~ぜっ! POPS & ANIME 藤沢 柚子 Lv.1 None
脳漿炸裂ガール niconico 藤沢 柚子 Lv.3 Spend 10 jewels.
Oshama Scramble! チュウマイ 藤沢 柚子 Lv.5 Spend 20 jewels.
Zest of Blue オンゲキ 三角 葵 Lv.1 None
This game POPS & ANIME 三角 葵 Lv.1 None
Los! Los! Los! POPS & ANIME 三角 葵 Lv.1 None
心象蜃気楼 チュウマイ 三角 葵 Lv.3 Spend 10 jewels.
The Formula VARIETY 三角 葵 Lv.5 Spend 20 jewels.
STARTLINER (LUNATIC) LUNATIC 星咲 あかり Lv.55 Spend 1 jewel.

cp.2: The self-proclaimed super strongest, now here! (自称・超絶最強、登場!)

Here We Go! is playable by default since October 18th, 2018. All other songs were made default songs on October 24th, 2018.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.2 songs
Here We Go オンゲキ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.5 None.
Mare Maris チュウマイ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv5 None.
Hyper Active VARIETY 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.8 Spend 5 jewels.
Brain Power VARIETY 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.8 Spend 15 jewels.
Halcyon VARIETY 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.10 Spend 30 jewels.
Dolphika オンゲキ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.10 Spend 45 jewels.

cp.3: Lies and Gaoh! Attack and attack! (嘘とがおー!とかたき討ち)

P!P!P!P!がおー!! and タテマエと本心の大乱闘 were made default songs on October 18th, 2018, 六兆年と一夜物語 and 千本桜 on December 6th, 2018, and the rest were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.3 songs
P!P!P!P!がおー!! オンゲキ 結城 莉玖 Lv.5 None.
天ノ弱 niconico 結城 莉玖 Lv.10 None.
おこちゃま戦争 niconico 結城 莉玖 Lv.15 Spend 25 jewels.
六兆年と一夜物語 niconico 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 Spend 40 jewels.
タテマエと本心の大乱闘 オンゲキ 藍原 椿 Lv.5 None.
千本桜 niconico 藍原 椿 Lv.10 None.
オモイヨシノ VARIETY 藍原 椿 Lv.15 Spend 25 jewels.
天火明命 チュウマイ 藍原 椿 Lv.20 Spend 40 jewels.

cp.4: Cafe de Scramble (カフェ de スクランブル)

The オンゲキ songs were made default songs on November 29th, 2018. キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 was made a default song on December 6th, 2018. The rest of the songs were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.4 songs
Cyberozar チュウマイ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.20 Spend 30 jewels.
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! チュウマイ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.20 Spend 45 jewels.
Ai Nov オンゲキ 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.30 Spend 60 jewels.
キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 niconico 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 Spend 30 jewels.
Gate of Doom チュウマイ 結城 莉玖 Lv.20 Spend 45 jewels.
ロッキンピンクモンスター オンゲキ 結城 莉玖 Lv.30 Spend 60 jewels.
木彫り鯰と右肩ゾンビ niconico 藍原 椿 Lv.20 Spend 30 jewels.
鬼KYOKAN niconico 藍原 椿 Lv.20 Spend 45 jewels.
ブツメツビーターズ チュウマイ 藍原 椿 Lv.30 Spend 60 jewels.

cp.5: Haru-chan's stamped lunch box (ハルちゃん印のお弁当)

SWEET SHAKE!! and What color... were made default songs on October 18th, 2018. All other songs (except First Twinkle and We Gonna Journey) were made default songs on November 8th, 2018. First Twinkle and We Gonna Journey became default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.5 songs
鳥の詩 POPS & ANIME 桜井 春菜 Lv.20 Spend 45 jewels.
Red "reduction division" -crossroads version- POPS & ANIME 桜井 春菜 Lv.15 None.
SWEET SHAKE!! オンゲキ 桜井 春菜 Lv.10 None.
What color... オンゲキ 早乙女 彩華 Lv.10 None.
SAKURA POPS & ANIME 早乙女 彩華 Lv.15 None.
We Gonna Journey チュウマイ 早乙女 彩華 Lv.30 Spend 75 jewels.
Paqqin チュウマイ 早乙女 彩華 Lv.20 Spend 45 jewels.
First Twinkle チュウマイ 桜井 春菜 Lv.30 Spend 75 jewels.

cp.6: Turbulence! The Vice President's notice (波乱!副会長の通告)

閃鋼のブリューナク and 神威 were made default songs on December 20th, 2018. The オンゲキ originals were made default songs in オンゲキ PLUS.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.6 songs
閃鋼のブリューナク チュウマイ 九條 楓 Lv.30 None.
神威 VARIETY 九條 楓 Lv.30 Spend 60 jewels.
Maqrite オンゲキ 九條 楓 Lv.40 Spend 90 jewels.
Sword of Secret オンゲキ 九條 楓 Lv.40 Spend 75 jewels.
Everlasting Today オンゲキ 九條 楓 Lv.50 Spend 120 jewels.

cp.7: Koboshi and Saki-hime appear! (小星と咲姫があらわれた!)

cp.8: Invitation to world conquest! (世界征服のお誘い)

cp.9: Is the mastermind a stuffed animal? (黒幕はぬいぐるみ?)

BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! (バンドリ!ガールズバンドパーティ!)

The following five songs were unlockable in a timed event from the game's launch on July 26th, 2018 through September 5th, 2018. Since then, they were all made playable by default. For more information on the event itself, please see here.

Song Genre Rival Requirements
BanG Dream! songs
ときめきエクスペリエンス! POPS & ANIME 戸山香澄 Lv.1 None.
That Is How I Roll! POPS & ANIME 美竹蘭 Lv.1 None.
しゅわりん☆どり~みん POPS & ANIME 丸山彩 Lv.1 None.
えがおのオーケストラっ! POPS & ANIME 弦巻こころ Lv.1 None.
