maimai DX:Area

Revision as of 09:26, 21 February 2022 by imported>Jack980517 (→‎Awarded Collections)
1st (PLUS) - Splash (PLUS) - UNiVERSE (PLUS)

Area (Japanese: ちほー, Chinese: 区域) is the main unlock system since maimai でらっくす. There are regular Areas and time-limited Areas; the latter are used for events.

The player can choose up to 5 Tour Members with them when running in an Area.

Prior to Splash PLUS, DX Passes could be used in the Japanese version to speed up the progress of Areas. Now tickets (which is more expensive compared to DX Passes) can be used instead.

Songs unlockable in time-limited Areas would eventually be unlocked by default, but Tour Members would not.

All English translations of Area names on this wiki are unofficial.

maimai でらっくす Splash almost completely changed the mechanics. For the description of Area mechanics in DX and DX+, see /DX+.


The name of this mechanic was translated into English differently in different URLs:

A translation didn't appear in-game until maimai DX スプラッシュ PLUS, where it's translated as "AREA", as seen in the screenshot of the Ticket screen in the announcement post. (But see below)


Upon the addition of 7sRefちほー, the maimai_official Twitter account posted a tweet that said all ちほー are in the same "maimai world" (maimaiわーるど), and can be divided into 7 "areas" (エリア). Since the word "エリア" (which is the katakana transliteration of the English word "area") conflicts with the word used as the translation of ちほー, for this section, the original Japanese words "ちほー" and "エリア" will be used.

While this officially puts all the regular ちほー into the same universe, the stories of the individual ちほー themselves don't show any relation with each other.

  • はじまりエリア
    • English translation: Beginning エリア
    • Contains introductory ちほー, themed to each game. These ちほー are released at launch of each game and contain the "main characters" of maimai.
  • 終末エリア
    • English translation: [World's] End エリア
    • Contains the Metropolis (メトロポリス) series of ちほー and kawaiiちほー.
  • 世界樹エリア
  • 黒薔薇エリア
    • English translation: Black Rose エリア
    • Contains the BLACK ROSE series of ちほー (Kotonoha Project 2nd Season).
  • 神様エリア
    • English translation: God エリア
    • Contains the Heaven (天界) series of ちほー and 高天原ちほー, telling stories about fictional deities.
    • The Heaven (天界) series of ちほー are based on European deities, while 高天原ちほー is based on Japanese ones.
  • 青春エリア
    • English translation: Youth エリア
    • Contains ちほー with a youth/teen/school theme.
  • プリズムエリア
    • English translation: Prism エリア
    • Only contains 7sRefちほー. A "gateway" of worlds.
Game ①はじまりエリア ②終末エリア ③世界樹エリア ④黒薔薇エリア ⑤神様エリア ⑥青春エリア ⑦プリズムエリア
DX 1st はじまりのちほー メトロポリスちほー ドラゴンちほー BLACK ROSEちほー 天界ちほー 青春ちほー -
DX+ はじまりのちほー2 メトロポリスちほー2 イーシュ襲来
メトロポリスちほー2 黒姫の逆襲
- BLACK ROSEちほー2 黒薔薇病篇
BLACK ROSEちほー2 二つの仮面篇
天界ちほー2 みかんヶ岡ちほー 朝焼け通り
みかんヶ岡ちほー 月夜通り
Splash しゅわしゅわちほー メトロポリスちほー3 - BLACK ROSEちほー3 天界ちほー3 スカイストリートちほー -
Splash+ しゅわしゅわちほー2 kawaiiちほー - BLACK ROSEちほー4 高天原ちほー スカイストリートちほー2 -
UNiVERSE 宇宙すてーしょんちほー メトロポリスちほー4 - BLACK ROSEちほー5 天界ちほー4 - 7sRefちほー

Tour Member

Tour Member (Japanese: つあーメンバー, Chinese: 旅行伙伴) is part of the Area mechanic.

Each Tour Member is only good at (Japanese: とくい, Chinese: 擅长) Infinite Areas and the Area it's obtained in; it's bad at (Japanese: にがて, Chinese: 不擅长) the rest of the Areas. Exceptions exist; Areas that serve as sequels to older Areas usually have Tour Members from the older Area set as being good at the sequel Area. These will be mentioned in the Area description on this wiki.

Tour Members awaken (Japanese: 覚醒, Chinese: 觉醒) when they reach levels 9, 49, 99, 299, 999, and 9999. Each time a Tour Member awakens, a star is filled. The total number of stars among all Tour Members that a player has would be shown on the login screen.

The bottom-left Tour Member slot is the leader slot. The Tour Member in the leader slot would be good at all Areas, and would not be changed even if the "auto set" button (automatically select Tour Members with the strongest DX Power) is pressed.

At the end of a credit, each Tour Member's level increases for the amount of songs played in that credit. If Tour Members have been switched, only the Tour Members present at the end of the credit receive the level increase.

Awarded Collections

When a Tour Member awakens for the first time (level 9), its icon is given to the player.

When a Tour Member awakens for the fifth time (level 999), a title is given to the player.

In DX, When the total number of times all Tour Members of an Area has awakened reached the number of Tour Members in the Area (eg. 6 Tour Members - awaken 6 times), a name plate of the Area is given to the player. This can happen even if the Area has ceased to be available, which means you can get the name plate even after the event ended, as long as you have obtained enough Tour Members.

Since DX+, the unlock condition has been changed to "each Tour Member has awakened once" for regular Areas of DX 1st. This means that it's no longer possible to obtain the name plate if not all Tour Members are obtained. Time-limited Areas are not affected, however.

In DX+, Area name plates are instead given when the player completes the Area. (i.e. the name plate is the last reward of Areas)

Since Splash, the last reward of Areas is a frame of the Area. Name plates are instead given in the middle of the Area.

UNiVERSE brought the first Area with multiple name plates (プロジェクトセカイちほー2).


The distance unit is now km instead of m, and how distance is calculated has also changed significantly. Regular and Infinite Areas in maimai でらっくす PLUS, as well as BLACK ROSEちほー, which are still available in Splash, have their lengths changed accordingly.

Each Tour Member who is good at the current Area would run 2 km per song, or 4 km if it's in the leader slot. Each Tour Member who is bad at the current Area would run 1 km per song. The achievement rate (score), and the level of the Tour Member, no longer affects the distance run.

When a bonus song is played, 2 km is added to the distance.

The largest one of the following bonuses would be added for each song played when applicable:

  • Multiplayer: +1Km

If using a DX Pass or Ticket, the multiplier is applied after adding all bonuses mentioned above. (Proof: Splash, Splash+ TBA)

Task Track

Some Areas would have Task Track (課題曲), which have to be cleared (80% or higher, on any difficulty) to progress further in the Area.

The last Task Track in these Areas would be a "Perfect Challenge" (パーフェクトチャレンジ), which is a special challenge with life mode enabled, similar to Challenge Track. The life requirements would become easier as time passes, and the song would be unlocked if the Perfect Challenge is completed.