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Revision as of 07:07, 19 March 2021

For the mechanic with the same name in maimai MiLK PLUS and earlier, see maimai:Grade Certification.

Grade Certification (段位認定), added in maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS, is based on FiNALE Course, and serves as a "proper" grade system.

General Information

  • Maximum 4 songs can be played.
  • Songs and difficulties are pre-determined.
  • Locked Master charts in the course can be played directly, and can be unlocked if Rank S is achieved.
  • Each course starts with a certain amount of Life, which would decrease for each non-Perfect judgment.
  • Life would increase a certain amount when a song is passed, but will not exceed the starting value.
  • The game ends prematurely if Life reaches 0.
  • There is also "Random Grade Certification" (ランダム段位認定), in which the 4 songs are randomly chosen based on difficulty, similar to the Super Expert level (無差別級) in Event Course.
  • What was called 裏段位 (officially "secret grades", but 裏 is more commonly literally translated as "inner" or romanized as "ura" among players) in FiNALE Course is now called 真段位 ("true grades").
  • There's no normal Kaiden grade.

Course Contents

Numbers in "Life config" means "Max Life/Damage per Great note/Damage per Good note/Damage per Miss note/Life recovery per completed song"

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Life config
初段 ? ? ? ? 350/0/-2/-5/+20
二段 ? ? ? ? 350/0/-2/-5/+20
三段 ? ? ? ? 600/-1/-2/-5/+50
四段 東京リアルワールド[STD][EXP] 乙女解剖[DX][EXP] 絵の上手かった友達[STD][EXP] wheel[DX][EXP] 700/-2/-2/-5/+20
五段 Session High↗[STD][EXP] ♡マイマイマイラブ♡[DX][EXP] 少女幻葬戦慄曲 ~ Necro Fantasia[STD][EXP] ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix)[DX][EXP] 700/-2/-2/-5/+50
六段 福宿音屋魂音泉[DX][EXP] デンパラダイム[DX][EXP] Imitation:Loud Lounge[STD][EXP] YA・DA・YO [Reborn][STD][EXP] 700/-2/-2/-5/+50
七段 メルティランドナイトメア[STD][MST] オトヒメモリー☆ウタゲーション[STD][MST] 全力ハッピーライフ[STD][MST] Lionheart[STD][MST] 700/-2/-2/-5/+50
八段 Saika[DX][MST] クローバー♣クラブ[STD][MST] Stardust Memories[DX][MST] Revive The Rave[STD][MST] 700/-2/-2/-5/+20
九段 My My My[DX][MST] 人生リセットボタン[STD][MST] 管弦楽組曲 第3番 ニ長調「第2曲(G線上のアリア)」BWV.1068-2[DX][MST] 幻想のサテライト[STD][MST] 800/-2/-2/-5/+20
十段 天火明命[STD][MST] Ether Strike[DX][MST] Lividi[STD][MST] VERTeX[STD][MST] 900/-2/-2/-5/+20
真初段 STARTLINER[STD][MST] Starlight Dance Floor[STD][MST] BLACK ROSE[DX][MST] Streak[STD][EXP] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真二段 FFT[STD][EXP] グラーヴェ[DX][MST] 自傷無色[DX][MST] 待チ人ハ来ズ。[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真三段 Jimang Shot[STD][MST] アンドロイドガール[DX][MST] Credits[STD][EXP] 絶え間なく藍色[DX][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真四段 玩具狂奏曲 -終焉-[DX][EXP] GOODMEN[STD][MST] 共鳴[DX][MST] 炭★坑★節[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真五段 Jōrqer[DX][MST] CYCLES[STD][MST] ソリッド[DX][MST] Space Harrier Main Theme[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真六段 カラッポ・ノンフィクション[DX][MST] ウサテイ[STD][MST] Halcyon[DX][MST] Last Brave ~ Go to zero[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真七段 スリップフリップ[STD][MST] 魔ジョ狩リ[DX][MST] Doll Judgment[STD][MST] emomomo[DX][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真八段 Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE(2019 Update)[DX][MST] Sun Dance[STD][Re] 奏者はただ背中と提琴で語るのみ[STD][MST] Schwarzschild[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真九段 felys -final remix-[DX][MST] Calamity Fortune[STD][MST] ≠彡"/了→[DX][MST] Alea jacta est![STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真十段 Oshama Scramble![STD][MST] 雷切-RAIKIRI-[STD][MST] 封焔の135秒[DX][MST] QZKago Requiem[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/+10
真皆伝 TEmPTaTiON[DX][MST] Our Wrenally[STD][MST] Regulus[DX][MST] PANDORA PARADOXXX[STD][MST] 50/-2/-3/-5/5