舞萌DX 2023

Revision as of 03:19, 31 October 2023 by DamnTrain (talk | contribs) (1.31F/1.32F)
maimai DX Chinese releases
1st - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024

Release Information


  • Release date: June 8th, 2023

Update History


Initial release.


Release date: June 8th, 2023

Chart Level fixed. Added some Nameplates and Titles.


Release date: June 26th, 2023

Fixing the incorrect requirement of some collections(items).


Release date: July 6th, 2023

Due to some unknown reason (probably because July 7th is the Memorial Day of the Lugou Bridge Incident), the update release date is one day in advance.


Release date: August 10th, 2023


Release date: Septmeber 22nd, 2023


Release date: October 26th, 2023 Possible security fixes.


Release date: November 2nd, 2023 (TBD)


Release date: November 26th, 2023 Performance and user experience improvement.


  • Interface is based on maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL.
  • Introduces the same note mechanics as maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL.
  • "Partner" and "Stamp Card" feature added.
    • All the partner uses the voice of でらっくま(Chinese Ver.)
  • Area mechanics revamped
  • Friend Matching mechanics revamped
    • The Friend Matching mode has been updated to include class emblems.
    • Boss Friend and conduction song mechanism added.
    • Season is still absent. The way of getting season songs were changed into Stamp Card.
  • Grade Certification mechanism is added.
  • Ticket options are introduced.
  • "Invitation Play" introduced, where another player can play the BASIC difficulty of the song being played on the unused side of the cabinet for free (once per day).
  • Song selection mechanics revamped
    • Random Select has been added, allowing players to select a random song from a selected category.
    • Addition of multiple Recommended Song categories.
  • The Sound of “舞萌でらっくす” on the Title screen has been removed.
    • ALL.Net logo has been added to the Title screen after showing SEGA‘s logo.
  • Completing all charts of 舞萌DX2022 awards both 宙 and 星 name plates, which in the Japanese and Asian versions correspond to UNiVERSE and UNiVERSE+ respectively.
  • Player avatar customization and album feature have been disabled due to legal reasons since Jun 14, 2023. Camera functionalities are still available on the cab, but avatars and photos snapshotted during play won't be recorded on DX.Net.
  • Ranking and name change feature was removed temporary because cheating.

New Songs / DX Charts

Song Artist Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
YONA YONA DANCE 和田アキ子 1 6 9 12 -
あの世行きのバスに乗ってさらば。 ツユ 3 7+ 11 13 -
くらべられっ子 ツユ 2 7 9+ 11 13
niconico & VOCALOID
エンヴィーベイビー Kanaria 3 7 9+ 12+ -
初音天地開闢神話 cosMo@暴走P 5 8 11 13+ -
ヴァンパイア DECO*27 3 6 10 11+ 13
Stamp Card unlock
DX Charts
Last Note. 2 7+ 10+ 13 -
Armageddon LeaF 5 8 12+ 14 -
Stamp Card unlock
Grip & Break down !!
DX Charts
SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 5 7 9 13 -
Dreadnought Mastermind(xi+nora2r) 5 8+ 12 13+ -
INTERNET OVERDOSE Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO 4 7 10+ 13 -
Knight Rider USAO 5 8 11 13+ -
Let you DIVE! HARDCORE TANO*C & エリザベス(CV:大西沙織) 3 7+ 11+ 12+ -
Unlockable by reaching LEGEND / playing with another player who has it
sølips rintaro soma 6 8 13+ 14+ -
Unlockable in 宇宙すてーしょんちほー2
(with Perfect Challenge)
ミルキースター・シューティングスター 烏屋茶房 feat. 利香 3 7+ 10+ 13 -
isophote パソコン音楽クラブ feat.ぷにぷに電機 3 7 10 12+ -
パラマウント☆ショータイム!! 翡乃イスカ 5 8 11+ 13+ -
Strive against fate Noah 6 7+ 13 14 -
Unlockable in 10周年記念ちほー
(with Perfect Challenge)
OTOGEMA ビートまりお 4 7 10+ 13+ -
WiPE OUT MEMORIES t+pazolite 6 8+ 12+ 14+ -
テリトリーバトル ツユ 4 6 10 13 -
Unlockable by playing it in 中二节奏NEW!!
8-EM Sampling Masters AYA 5 8 12 13+ -
July 6th, 2023
Photon Melodies Photon Maiden 3 6 10 13 -
吾輩よ猫であれ Lyrical Lily 3 6 8+ 12 -
x0o0x_ 3 6 10 12+ -
BANG! Shoichiro Hirata feat.Sana 2 6 10+ 13 -
Define Zekk 3 7+ 11 13 -
FLOWER DJ YOSHITAKA「jubeat」より - - - - 14
Lights of Muse Ayatsugu_Otowa 3 7 10 13 -
tape/stop/night Sugar & Co. 2 6 10 12+ -
源平大戦絵巻テーマソング 新小田夢童 & キラ★ロッソ - - - - 14
若い力 作詞:セガ社員、作曲:若草恵、歌:135 3 6 9 13+ -
Stamp Card unlock
Standard Charts
xi 6 8+ 12 14 -
Unlockable in Muse Dashちほー
Final Step! Lime 4 7+ 11 13+ -
The 90's Decision MYUKKE. 3 6 11 13 -
僕の和風本当上手 ボス 5 8 12 14 -
Cthugha USAO 6 8+ 12 14 -
Unlockable in Diverse Systemちほー
(with Perfect Challenge)
Estahv Feryquitous 4 7 11+ 13+ -
First Dance 削除 5 7+ 12 13+ -
Mjölnir xi 6 8+ 12+ 14 -
Love's Theme of BADASS ~バッド・アス 愛のテーマ~ Hommarju 6 8 13 14 -
Limit Break DiGiTAL WiNG - - - - 13+
Revive The Rave void(Mournfinale) - - - - 14
SPILL OVER COLORS 矢鴇つかさ feat. kalon. - - - - 13
ぼくたちいつでも しゅわっしゅわ! ヒゲドライバー feat.らいむっくま(CV:村川梨衣) & れもんっくま(CV:MoeMi) - - - - 13+
超常マイマイン ナユタン星人 - - - - 13+
シエルブルーマルシェ OSTER project feat. かなたん - - - - 13+
星めぐり、果ての君へ。 TAKU1175 ft.駄々子 - - - - 13
遺伝子レベル∞スパイラル NAOKI feat.小坂りゆ 5 7 9+ 13+ -
記憶、記録 LOPIT(SEGA) - - - - 14
otorii INNOVATED -[i]3- NAOKI underground 6 8+ 12+ 14 -
Unlockable by playing it in 中二节奏NEW!!
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. Yooh 5 7+ 12 14 -
August 10th, 2023
Princess♂ TOPHAMHAT-KYO 2 7 10 13+ -
VOLTAGE Rain Drops 4 7 10+ 13 -
春を告げる yama 1 6 9+ 12+ -
ヒトガタ HIMEHINA 2 6 10+ 13 -
オントロジー Rain Drops 3 7 10 12+ -
Caterpillar Song Bitplane feat. 葉月ゆら 3 6 12 13+ -
enchanted love linear ring 3 7 11+ 13+ -
Stamp Card unlock
Standard Charts
SAMBA MASTER 佐藤 4 7 11 13 -
デーモンベット ちいたな feat.flower 2 7 10 13 -
パーフェクション 柊マグネタイト 2 7+ 10+ 13 -
Unlockable in メトロポリスちほー5
(with Perfect Challenge)
Irresistible MK 3 7 11 13+ -
HAGAKIRI Masayoshi Iimori 5 7+ 12 13+ -
HECATONCHEIR Yuta Imai 5 8 12+ 14 -
N3V3R G3T OV3R C-Show 4 7+ 12 14 -
September 22nd, 2023
剣を抜け! GCCX MAX メッセメッセクラブ 3 6 9 13 -
niconico & VOCALOID
エゴロック すりぃ 5 7+ 10 13+ -
ジャンキーナイトタウンオーケストラ すりぃ 3 6 10 12+ -
終焉逃避行 柊マグネタイト 4 6 9+ 12+ -
ただ選択があった フロクロ 2 6 9 12+ -
Reach For The Stars (Re-Colors) 大谷智哉「ソニックカラーズ アルティメット」 5 7+ 11 13+ -
Stamp Card unlock
Starlight Disco
DX Charts
loos feat. Meramipop 4 7 11+ 13 -
Unlockable in 天界ちほー5
(with Perfect Challenge)
星空パーティーチューン OSTER project feat. そらこ 4 8+ 11 13+ -
チューリングの跡 Frums 4 8 13 14 -
Swift Swing Laur 4 8 12 14 -
Sage かめりあ 6 8 12+ 14+ -
コスモポップファンクラブ ナユタン星人 3 6 10+ 13 -
Unlockable by playing it in 中二节奏NEW!!
ツクヨミステップ ユリイ・カノン feat.nameless 4 7+ 10+ 13 -
Unlockable in すりぃちほー
パズルリボン すりぃ feat.りょーくん 5 7+ 11 13 -
Unlockable in CHUNITHMちほー
folern ぬゆり 5 8 12 13+ -

Revived Songs


Removed Songs

The following songs have been removed compared to 舞萌DX 2022:

Song Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
君の知らない物語 maimai GreeN 3 6 8 11 -
DX Charts
maimai でらっくす PLUS 3 6 8 12 -
ミラクル・ショッピング maimai MiLK 4 6 9+ 12 -
ノーポイッ! maimai でらっくす Splash 3 6 8+ 12 -
町かどタンジェント maimai でらっくす Splash 2 6 8+ 11+ -
紅蓮華 maimai でらっくす Splash 3 6 9 11 12+
Pretender maimai でらっくす Splash 2 5 8 12 -
冬のこもりうた maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS 1 5 7+ 10+ 13
おジャ魔女カーニバル!! maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS 3 6 8+ 12+ -
秒針を噛む maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS 2 6 8+ 11 12+
niconico & VOCALOID
39 maimai PLUS 5 7+ 10 12 12+
DX Charts
maimai でらっくす 4 7 9 12+ -
弱虫モンブラン maimai GreeN 4 6 9+ 12 -
ストリーミングハート maimai ORANGE PLUS 4 7 9+ 12+ -
共感覚おばけ maimai MiLK 4 6 9+ 12+ -
妄想感傷代償連盟 maimai MiLK PLUS 3 6 8+ 10+ 12+
ディカディズム maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS 3 7 9+ 13 -
Our Fighting maimai ORANGE PLUS 4 6 9+ 11+ -
麒麟 maimai MiLK 6 8+ 11+ 14 -
Arty Party maimai でらっくす Splash 5 8 11+ 13+ -

Absent new songs

The following songs new to the Japanese versions of maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE PLUS and maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL are absent in 舞萌DX 2023:

Song Artist Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
愛のシュプリーム! fhána 1 6 8 12+ -
うまぴょい伝説 スペシャルウィーク(CV:和氣あず未)、サイレンススズカ(CV:高野麻里佳)、トウカイテイオー(CV:Machico) 5 6 8+ 11 13