
Song Information

ヒストリー×ブレイカー's jacket.

Artist: 曲: 中土智博 / 歌: ⊿TRiEDGE [高瀬 梨緒(CV:久保 ユリカ)、結城 莉玖(CV:朝日奈 丸佳)、藍原 椿(CV:橋本 ちなみ)]
Composition/Arrangement: Tomohiro Nakatsuchi
Lyrics: Young Yazzy
Vocals: ⊿TRiEDGE [Rio Takase (CV: Yurika Kubo), Riku Yuuki (CV: Madoka Asahina), Tsubaki Aihara (CV: Chinami Hashimoto)]
BPM: 134
Length: 2:28
CHUNITHM Genre: ゲキマイ
オンゲキ Genre: オンゲキ
オンゲキ Opponent: 高瀬 梨緒 Lv.45
First Music Game Appearance: オンゲキ bright MEMORY
Other Music Game Appearances:


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes


  • ヒストリー×ブレイカー is available in オンゲキ bright MEMORY from May 19th, 2022 as part of the Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. Chapter, Autumn Memory. The song, and its task, only appears after progressing the memory gauge to memory 1; after that, it can be unlocked by playing it in the Chapter and scoring 100% total damage.
    • From March 7th, 2024, it is available by default.
  • ヒストリー×ブレイカー is unlockable in CHUNITHM SUN from November 10th, 2022 as part of the MAP, オンゲキ Chapter2 【Memoirs of O.N.G.E.K.I.】 MAP 5.
    • In the Asian version, it is unlockable from April 27th, 2023.
    • From CHUNITHM LUMINOUS, ヒストリー×ブレイカー is available by default.
    • In the Chinese version, it was added to 中二节奏 2025 at launch.

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

CHUNITHM difficulty rated 1 to 15 from NEW to LUMINOUS, and 1 to 15+ from LUMINOUS PLUS onwards.
オンゲキ difficulty rated 1 to 15+ from bright MEMORY onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Ultima
Notecounts 366 689 1093 1594 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Air / Flick) 154 / 105 / 56 / 51 364 / 99 / 161 / 65 497 / 115 / 243 / 238 632 / 203 / 286 / 340 / 133 -
Chart Designer - - Moon Strix ロシェ@ペンギン -
CHUNITHM SUN→Present 2 5 9+ 13 -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic
Notecounts / BELLs 227 / 18 451 / 48 709 / 108 1279 / 133 -
Chart Designer - - みそかつ侍 アマリリス -
オンゲキ bright MEMORY→Present 2 7 11 13 -





