The Great Journey

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Song Information

The Great Journey's jacket.

Artist: 光吉猛修「ホルカ・トルカ」
Composition/Arrangement/Vocals: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
Lyrics: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Jon Rodgers
BPM: 135
Length: 2:01
maimai Genre: GAME & VARIETY
First Music Game Appearance: maimai ORANGE
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Hold on, don't look back. There's treasure in the desert.
Four worlds spread across the heavens
Horka Torka. Dig deep to find your fortune!
Inter planetary journey!

We wanna go! Beyond the darkness to the light.
We wanna know! Where is the end of the earth?

No worries as long as we're together
Through the fire, through the ice, anywhere

Hold on, you can't look back. Let's hunt for treasure in the sand.
Four worlds spread across the heavens
Horka Torka. Dig deep to find your fortune!
Inter planetary journey!

No worries as long as we're together
Through the jungle, through sandstorms, anywhere

Hold on, you can't look back. Let's hunt for treasure in the desert.
Four worlds spread across the heavens
Horka Torka. Dig deep to find your fortune!
Inter planetary journey!

Song Connections / Remixes

  • The Great Journey is the theme song of the medal game "Horka Torka". The version used in maimai is arranged differently.


  • The Great Journey was added to maimai ORANGE on October 9th, 2014.
  • In Asian English versions of maimai, The Great Journey's artist is romanised as Takenobu Mitsuyoshi “HORUKA × TORUKA” .

Soundtrack Booklet Information

This section contains untranslated information. Please do your best to render it in readable English.

Artist Comment



Genre Changes


Game Genre
maimai でらっくす ORIGINAL
maimai でらっくす PLUS→Present GAME & VARIETY

Difficulty & Notecounts

maimai difficulty rated 1 to 12 from GreeN to PiNK PLUS, 1 to 13 from MURASAKi to MiLK PLUS, 1 to 14 from FiNALE to でらっくす, and 1 to 15 from でらっくす PLUS onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Standard Charts

Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Notecounts 61 184 255 341 520 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Break) 45 / 5 / 7 / 4 160 / 10 / 8 / 6 227 / 16 / 9 / 3 248 / 57 / 25 / 11 417 / 51 / 33 / 19 -
Chart Designer - - - mai-Star rioN -
maimai ORANGE→ORANGE PLUS 2 4 6 8 10 -
maimai PiNK→PiNK PLUS 2 4 6 8 9+ -
maimai MURASAKi→FiNALE 2 4 6 8+ 10 -
maimai でらっくす - 4 6 8+ 10 -
maimai でらっくす PLUS→UNiVERSE - 4 6 9 11 -
maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE PLUS→Present - 6 6 10 11+ -



Standard Charts
