Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I.

Revision as of 16:27, 23 November 2024 by SpiritsUnite (talk | contribs) (→‎List: act.2/3 songs don't count as bonus)

This is for the Chapter series. For the song, please see Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I..

Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. is a new set of chapters with a new unlock system in オンゲキ bright MEMORY.
These chapters use different mechanics than older chapters, so the mechanics are documented here.

All songs from this event were unlocked March 7th, 2024.


All Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. chapters start off hidden, and must be unlocked by fulfilling certain unlock conditions. For each of the song requirements, difficulty doesn't matter, but neither LUNATIC nor the bonus track versions of the songs count.

Chapter name Date added Corresponding version Unlock condition
Spring Memory 2022/03/03 1st ~ PLUS Play STARTLINER and Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! consecutively (in either order)
Summer Memory 2022/04/07 SUMMER ~ SUMMER PLUS Play 最強 the サマータイム!!!!! and Splash Dance!! consecutively (in either order).
You must have selected the previous chapter (Spring Memory) and read or skipped the story at least once before playing the songs.
Autumn Memory 2022/05/19 RED ~ RED PLUS Play No Limit RED Force and STARRED HEART consecutively (in either order).
You must have selected the previous chapter (Summer Memory) and read or skipped the story at least once before playing the songs.
Winter Memory 2022/06/23 bright ~ bright MEMORY Act.1 Play STARTLINER, 最強 the サマータイム!!!!!, No Limit RED Force, and Transcend Lights consecutively (in any order).
You must have selected the previous chapter (Autumn Memory) and read or skipped the story at least once before playing the songs.
Ongeki Memory 2022/06/23 All versions Play Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》, MarbleBlue., Stardust:RAY, and 光焔のラテラルアーク consecutively (in any order).
You must clear all memory maps of the previous memory chapters before proceeding.
END CHAPTER 2022/06/23 All versions Unlock µ3 or HEADLINER

How to play

When a chapter is chosen for the first time, the story is automatically played (Caution: long. If skipped, it can be played again from the chapter).
If no Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. chapters have been chosen before, a tutorial image would then appear.
Local matching cannot be used while within any of the chapters.

In each of the first four memory chapters, [Make UP Future!] cards are obtainable via the item shop depending on your progress within the chapter. Using these cards in the chapter they were obtained from provides a jewel bonus per card (+2 for base or 2*, +3 for 3* and higher).

In Ongeki Memory and END CHAPTER, all [Make UP Future!] cards provide a jewel bonus.

Chapter jewels can be exchanged to Chapter 5 jewels one-to-one, but not vice versa. Almighty jewels cannot be used or exchanged.


After the mission result screen, the current progress through the memory will be shown. The current navi-voice character moves towards Navi-nyan, and "GOAL!!" will be shown once reached. Then, as a reward, new items or task tracks will be added to the chapter. These items/songs are not yet obtained – you still need to buy the new items with jewels, or clear the task tracks in order for the songs to be available in other chapters. This repeats until you have reached the last goal to complete the memory. The rewards you have currently unlocked are displayed on the top left of the progress screen.

Progress through each memory can be divided into "steps", and are awarded per song as follows.

  • Base value: 2 steps, regardless of score (1 step prior to bright MEMORY Act.3)
  • Songs added in the versions associated with the chapter: 1.5x bonus (excluding LUNATIC and bonus tracks)
  • Multiply by any jewel boost used

For example, playing a R.E.D. version song in Autumn Memory with 9x jewel boost gives 2×1.5×9=27 steps.

Task tracks do not affect memory progress. You can proceed to the end even without completing any task tracks.

See each respective chapter page for the content that can be unlocked.


On ONGEKI-NET, only unlocked chapters are shown.
memory rewards and what's available for the next memory are also not shown unless you reached the goal.

The required progress for each memory is not shown on ONGEKI-NET, so there's no way to check it other than to manually calculate it from the songs played.

オンゲキ Chapters
オンゲキ Chapters List Chapter1 - Chapter2 - Chapter3 - Chapter4 - Chapter5 - Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I.