User:Mantou1233/seishun chiho

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If there were a moment that could change your life, what would it be? For Momo, it was a certain song that happened to play on a video site. The melody of that song, which for some reason was immediately deleted page by page, was sung for the first time in front of a station, where she met Tokiya, a boy who stopped and applauded. Tokiya composed the music, and Momo sang. However, the joyful times came to an end two years ago when Tokiya suddenly announced that he was "quitting music." Momo, who had interrupted him before he could hand over a CD-ROM and say his final words, ran away, determined to time leap in order to understand Tokiya's true intentions.

「人生を変える瞬間」と言うものがあるとしたら? モモにとってそれは動画サイトで偶然流れてきたある1曲だった。 何故か直ぐページ毎削除されてしまったその曲のメロディをはじめて駅前で歌った日、立ち止まって拍手してくれた少年トキヤと出会う。 トキヤが作曲し、モモが歌う。 そんな楽しい時間は2年前突然トキヤが「もう音楽をやめる」と言い出す事で壊れてしまった。 最後に彼が渡そうとしていたCD-ROMと言いかけた言葉をさえぎって逃げてしまったモモは、トキヤの真意を知る為タイムリープする事を決意する。


When the night veil descends, a group of people in traditional Japanese clothing suddenly appears. As they begin to dance, the ordinary city transforms into a realm that feels like it has slipped into a drunken stupor. Hearing rumors of this, people gather on Sky Street every night, eager to catch a glimpse of this guerrilla live performance that could start anywhere at any time. Akatsuki, leading this group of dancers called Team Loto, gets involved in a mysterious incident one day and ends up with a butterfly-shaped bruise on his wrist. To pursue the net master "Noah" rumored to bear the same butterfly mark in the city, Akatsuki sets out on a mission.

夜のとばりが降りると、突如現れる和装束の集団。 彼らが踊り出すと、なんの変哲もない街が一転し異界へ紛れ込んでしまったような酩酊感を感じる。 そんな噂を聞き付けた人々は、いつどこで始まるか解らないこのゲリラライブを一目見ようと、毎夜スカイストリートに詰めかけるのだ。 アカツキはこの踊り手集団ロトチームを率いていたが、ある日不可解な出来事に巻き込まれ、手首に蝶の痣が刻まれてしまう。 同じ蝶のマークを使っていると街でウワサされるネットマスター「ノア」を追う為アカツキは行動を始める。


The paintings drawn by Nanoha stir people's emotions. They are mysterious landscape paintings that seem to be missing something crucial. His best friend disappeared on a cold February day, just before their elementary school graduation ceremony. A driver who lost consciousness crashed into Nanoha, causing him to lose consciousness as well. When Nanoha woke up days later, he realized that his best friend had disappeared forever right before his eyes. A "broken world" where only he remained. With the ability to time leap, Nanoha repeats time leaps in order to correct this world and make it right.

ナノハの描く絵は、人々の感情をゆざぶる。 それは何かが決定的に足りない不思議な風景画だ。 彼の親友がいなくなったのは小学校の卒業式を控えた2月の寒い日の事だった。意識を無くしたドライバーの車が暴走し、ナノハに突っ込んできた。 誰かに突き飛ばされたナノハは意識を失い、後日目覚めてわかった事。 それは、目の前から親友が永遠にいなくなってしまったという事だけだった。 自分だけが残ってしまった「欠けた世界」。 タイムリープ能力を手に入れたナノハはそんな世界を正しい世界に修正する為タイムリープを繰り返す。


Sou, who was a promising basketball player in middle and high school, was a genius scorer talented enough to turn pro at the age of 17. However, because of his talent, he struggled to cooperate well with others and was only interested in players of equal skill level. Gradually, he found it difficult to coordinate with his team members, and one day he faced a career-threatening injury during a game. Tempted by a mysterious message sent to his smartphone saying, "I'll let you redo the past," he decided to time leap. However, in the middle of it, he was attacked by "Noah" and had his mind sent back to his elementary school days, unable to return to his original time period.

中高とバスケットの有望選手だったソウは、17歳でプロになる程の天才的なスコアラー。 だがそれゆえに、周りとうまく連携する事が苦手で、同じだけの実力を持った選手にしか興味が無い。 次第にチームメンバーとも連携が取れなくなり、ある日試合中のケガで選手生命の危機に陥ってしまう。 そんな時スマホに送られてきた「過去をやり直させてやる」と言う不可解なメッセージに唆されタイムリープするが、途中「ノア」に襲われ、小学生時代の身体に精神を飛ばされ元の時代に還れなくなる。


At the end of March, when cherry blossoms danced like snowflakes, a familiar figure stood before Momo. Tokiya wiped the tears from the corners of Momo's eyes with his fingers and spoke. "There's something I've never been able to tell you, Momo." He explained how he had given up on pursuing a musical career due to family circumstances, but he had uploaded just one song online because he wanted someone to know his true feelings. However, his parents found out and he had to delete it from the internet. Then, one day, he heard his own forgotten song playing in the square. Tokiya told Momo that if she accepted this CD-ROM from him, he would choose his own path with confidence this time.

桜が雪の様に舞う三月の終わり。モモの目の前には懐かしい姿があった。 トキヤはモモの目じりの涙を指で拭うと口を開く。 「モモに…ずっと言えなかった事があるんだ」と。家の事情で音楽の道を諦めようとした事。でも誰かに本当の想いを知ってほしくて一曲だけネットにアップしたけどそれが親に知られて、ネットから削除した事。…そして、ある日ずっと忘れようとしていた自分の曲が、広場で聞こえて来た事。もしこのCD-ROMを受け取ってくれたら自分の道を今度こそ自身で選ぶとトキヤはモモに告げた。


Kohaku initially thought it was just a dream. In this recurring dream she had since childhood, a voice always ended by saying, "Don't forget----. Make sure to----" One night, the part she couldn't quite make out became clear, and she remembered that the voice was actually her own "memory." Overwhelmed by the vast memories she didn't want to recall, Kohaku was taken out for a walk by Akatsuki one night. As she walked silently, watching his back, Kohaku remembered the time when she first saw Akatsuki's dance as a child. (Akatsuki, dancing Kagura, looked like a god. My god... there's no time left.)






When 31 first saw the outside world, they were momentarily disappointed, and then they found it funny that they had the emotion of "expectation." The land far below, bathed in red moonlight, was littered with the silhouettes of twisted, crumbling iron beams and debris. 31 stepped out from the top of the building and fell headfirst onto the dark ground. Their body was covered by black butterflies and soon disappeared.






Flowers are dancing.
Beneath the fluttering pale pink petals like snow, I watched Kohaku, who had fallen in love. Kohaku was gazing at their childhood friend as if meeting them for the first time.
The boy with his eyes lined in vermilion danced the sacred Kagura, temporarily transporting the small stage into the hidden world.

The usual lively demeanor has now disappeared, and Kohaku can't help but admit it's frustrating yet somewhat beautiful.
Muttering, "Even with your knack for bad luck..." their cheeks turned slightly red.
I've been here for a long time. Like watching a play from behind the stage curtain. The spotlight never shines on Kohaku, the girl.

Kohaku... In a distant future, I once heard "Akatsuki" call out that name only once. A faint, strained voice. Somehow, I've existed within a young girl who bears the same name.
Middle school. Kohaku shoots a cold glance at Akatsuki, who is always in the room as if he belongs there. But she never kicks him out, even when he starts reading manga without permission.
High school. Akatsuki enrolled in an experimental school called "Sky Street," where geniuses gather.
Showing his prowess in programming, he somewhat forcibly pulled Kohaku, who tended to be a shut-in, into the same "Sky Street" because it had a system that allowed her to study from home.
The two childhood friends have always been together, and Akatsuki seems to take it for granted.
The bright and kind-hearted boy, and the future Akatsuki who never smiled once. Yes, I know that both of them belong to "Kohaku." Those laughing eyes are not meant for me... not since a long time ago.
"Noah, promise me. Definitely----"
Even though I've known all along that those words he last gave me, and all I can offer him, are already his.

花が舞う。 薄桃色の花びらが雪のように舞い散る下、私は恋におちるコハクを見ていた。コハクはずっと一緒にいた幼馴染を、まるで初めて出会った人のように見つめている。 目じりを朱で化粧した少年の舞う御神楽は、小さな舞台を一時隠世へと誘った。

普段のお調子者の面影は今は綺麗に消え去って、悔しいけどちょっときれいだとコハクは思っている。 「馬鹿ツキのくせに……」と呟いたその頬は少し赤い。 もう長い間ここにいる。まるで舞台の緞帳の影で芝居を見るように。けしてスポットライトは当たらない、コハクと言う女の子の中に。

コハク……遠い未来で、一度だけ「暁」がその名を呼んでいたのを聞いたことがある。かすれて絞り出すような小さな声。同じ名を持つ幼い少女の中に、いつからか私は存在していた。 中学生。部屋に当たり前のようにいるアカツキに「邪魔」とコハクは冷たい一瞥を向ける。でも、漫画を勝手に読み始める彼を追い出すことはけしてない。 高校生。アカツキは「スカイストリート」と呼ばれる、天才ばかりが集まる実験校に入学した。 プログラミングですでに頭角を現し、引きこもりがちだったコハクを「在宅OKのシステムだから」と、半ば無理やり同じ「スカイストリート」に引き込んだのも彼だ。 幼馴染の二人はずっと一緒にいて、アカツキはそれが当たり前だと思っているようだった。 明るくて優しいこの少年と、あの一度も笑わなかった未来の暁。そう、そのどちらも『コハク』のものだと知っている。笑いかける瞳は、私に向けてのものじゃないって……もうずっと昔から。 『ノア、約束してくれ。必ず―――』 最後にくれたあの言葉だけが、彼から貰った、そして私があげられる全てだって、とっくに知ってるのに。

















Yes, this is a bad dream...

As they gazed at the fragments of passing time, the two murmured. This was a world where C204 was used, and one resolution was reached.

----Is this place where we ended up the world you desired?


過ぎていく時間の断片を見つめながら、2人はそう呟いた。 ここはC204を使い、一つの決着がついた世界。



Young Kohaku melted away in the night breeze before my eyes.

Faint lights danced like fireflies. As I reached out in astonishment towards the fading, fluttering lights,
vast scenes flowing into my mind, shimmering like a thin string.
It was filled with noises, like an old television screen, displaying familiar faces in unfamiliar guises.
Numerous pasts, hazy as if blindfolded, suddenly gained a sense of reality.
As I looked back with a feeling of waking from a dream, I saw Sou, who should be in America, glaring at the space where Kohaku had disappeared. Behind him, Nano and Momo with surprised faces, Akatsuki spoke.
"...Did everyone time leap too? Or...?"
Sou let out a long sigh and said incredulously, "You really are... hopeless! Do you want me to tell you every detail of the hell that damn cat put me through!?"
"Eh? Sou-kun? Huh!? Why are you here... wait, what?"
On Momo's wrist, the butterfly-shaped bruise with a missing part of its wing had disappeared.
"...Earlier, the device Kohaku had started glowing, and it seemed like the butterfly was sucked in, maybe?... See," Nano raised her white wrist to show.
The town's gossip, Noah's symbol. And the same bruise. Akatsuki had known about this "butterfly" from a long time ago. A mysterious world that expands during the dance and conversations with gods. Golden clouds billow, and light dances around. Since childhood, he had always thought. The softly dancing light, as if it were a butterfly.
Everyone here had memories of changing the past. However, those memories became increasingly blurry as if being blindfolded day by day. They began to think it was like a dream, and eventually, the memories were being rewritten as if it were just a dream. Akatsuki was the same, but now he had a strange conviction. He couldn't remember everything yet, but he definitely knew about that hourglass Kohaku had. He knew it from a distant past, from the future.

Finally, Kohaku murmured, "I don't like the idea that your wish was all a lie..."
A wish? What wish did I have... When I thought that far, I finally remembered the most important thing.
"I wished to keep Kohaku alive."
The memory of that beginning. The voice he heard at the black bird gate. If the price of young Kohaku's single wish was this scene now? As Akatsuki clenched his fist, he noticed that the string on his right hand was starting to unravel.

From the gently falling string emerged the red butterfly carved that night.


蛍の様な淡い光が舞う。薄れながら漂うそれに、呆然と手を伸ばした瞬間だった。 一本の細い紐のように揺らめきながら、膨大な光景が脳髄に流れ込んで来た。 まるで古いテレビ映像のようにノイズだらけで、ザラついたそこに映し出されるのは、見知った顔達の見知らぬ姿。 誰かに目隠しされたように朧げだったいくつもの過去が、急に現実味を持つ。 夢から覚めた様な気持ちでぼんやりと振り返ると、アメリカにいるはずのソウがコハクの消えた空間を睨みつけている。 その後ろの驚いた顔のナノハとモモを眺めて、アカツキは口を開く。 「……みんなもタイムリープしてた?……のか……?」 ハァ~、と長い息を吐いたソウが呆れたように言う。 「ホントお前はよぉ……おっせーんだよ! 俺があのクソ猫にどんな目にあわされたか、一から十まで聞かせてやろうか!?」 「え? ソウ君? え~!? 何でここに ……って、あれ?」 モモの手首からは、羽根を一部失った蝶の痣が消えている。 「……さっき、コハクの持ってる機械が光って、蝶が吸い込まれたように見えた、かも?……ほら」とナノハが自分の白い手首を掲げて見せた。 街のウワサ、ノアのシンボル。そして同じ形の痣。本当はこの『蝶』の事を、アカツキはずっと前から知っていた。 舞を舞う時や、神と語らう時に広がる不思議な世界。金の雲がたなびき、あたりに光が舞う。子供の頃からずっと思っていた。フワフワ舞う光が、まるで『ちょうちょみたいだな』……と。 ここにいる全員が、過去を変えた記憶はあった。しかしそれらは、日に日に目隠しされるように不鮮明になっていった。夢のようだと思い始め、その内夢だったのかもしれないと記憶は書き換えられて行く。アカツキもそうだったが、今は奇妙な確信があった。まだすべては思い出せないが、コハクの持っていたあの砂時計を確かに、遠い過去で、未来で知っていた。

最後にコハクは「君の願いが、全て嘘だったなんて嫌なんだ」……と、そう呟いたように聞こえた。 願い?俺が何を願うって……そこまで考えた時、ようやく一番大事な事を思い出す。 〈俺はコハクを生かそうと願ったんだ〉 あの始まりの記憶。黒い鳥居で聞いた声。幼いコハクのたった一つのお願いの代償が、今この光景なのだとしたら? 拳を握りしめると、右手の紐がほどけかけている事にアカツキは気付いた。



-----Everything was supposed to go smoothly.
Drained of strength, Kohaku's knees buckle.
The contents of the small hourglass in her hand continue to sparkle and flicker, insisting that this is no ordinary hourglass.
Yes, this is the machine C204 for time travel. Kohaku couldn't lift her gaze while staring at the sand flowing smoothly.
Because there, all that was there was just a cold little stone... a gravestone.

The butterfly mark left on Akatsuki's arm. If that created this future...?
It was an irreversible, failure.
The world they arrived at did not break.
Just Akatsuki was missing, a new future.
The crest of the Akatsuki family engraved on the tomb in front of her.
The Akatsuki family that foretold the country's future seems to have already died out.
It was the result given to Kohaku and Noah, who had repeated the past and made choices over and over.
The C204 tumbled from Kohaku's collapsing hand, making a dry sound as it fell.
Noah's voice from within Kohaku. Everything was bothersome now, and the voice naturally turned sharp.
"I... can't accept this. Where... where did we go wrong? There shouldn't be a need to change the future, there shouldn't be any branching points left!"
"The Akatsuki I know, the Akatsuki of this world... haven't obtained the most important thing... maybe it's because of that, the bad ending."
"What... what does that mean?"

In the silence, Noah let out a voice of disbelief.
"Kohaku, you're... sometimes stupid."
"Of course that's Kohaku."
Was it that compared to all the happiness and unhappiness of everyone in the world, even changing the future, it didn't matter to Akatsuki?
Compared to Kohaku's death. Until they reach that future, Akatsuki... won't give up.
Kohaku was dumbfounded by Noah's words.

Going against god, Akatsuki who tried to keep Kohaku alive and ended up destroying the world.
If simply taking and destroying the machine doesn't create a route divergence of "living a normal life," then what if?
Is that point... me...?

"Kohaku still has that."
To save Bakatsuki, the only way is to avoid their own death, the root cause? Why, seriously... that's stupid.
At Noah's words, Kohaku picked up the small hourglass in her hand, possessing the power to change the future and the past, and clenched it.

―――全てうまく行くはずだったんだ。 力が抜け、コハクは膝を折る。 手の中の小さな砂時計の中身はキラキラと明滅し続け、これが普通の砂時計ではないことを主張し続けている。 そう、これは、時間を移動するための機械〈C204〉だ。サラサラと移動する砂を見つめながら、コハクは目線をあげる事ができなかった。 だって、そこにあるのは、ただ冷たいだけの小さな石。……墓石だ。

アカツキの腕に刻まれたまま残した蝶の痣。それがこの未来を作ったのだとしたら……? 取り返しのつかない、失敗だった。 たどり着いた世界は壊れなかった。 ただ、アカツキだけがいない、新たな未来。 目の前の墓に刻まれている暁家の紋。 国の行く先を占う〈暁家〉はすでに絶えているらしい。 それが、何度も過去をやり直し、選択し続けたコハクとノアに与えられた結果だった。 崩れ落ちたコハクの手からC204が転がり落ちて、カツンと乾いた音を立てる。 『……コハク』 コハクの中のノアの声がする。今はすべてが煩わしくて、声は自然と刺々しくなる。 「私は……こんなの認めない。どこで……何が間違ってた? 未来を改変する必要は、分岐ポイントはもう無いはずじゃん!」 『私の知ってる暁も、この世界のアカツキも……。一番大事な物を手に入れられてない……多分バッドエンディングはそのせい』 「――何、それ?」

沈黙の先で、ノアが呆れた声を出す。 『コハクって、……たまにバカ』 「ハァ!?」 『そんなのコハクに決まってるじゃない』 「……え?」 世界中の全ての人の不幸も幸福も、未来が変わる事すら、アカツキにはどうでもいい事だったんじゃないの? コハクが死ぬ事に比べたら。その未来にたどり着くまで暁は……アカツキは諦めない。 ノアの言葉にコハクは呆然とする。

神に背いても、コハクを生かそうとして世界を壊したアカツキ。 機械を奪い壊すだけでは〈生きて普通に暮らす〉と言うルート分岐がアカツキに起こらないのだとしたら? そのポイントが……私だって言うの……?

『コハクには、まだそれがある』 バカツキを救うには元凶である自身の死を回避するしかないって?なんでよ。ホント……バカじゃん。 ノアの言葉にコハクは、未来と過去を変える力を持つ、手の中の小さな砂時計を拾い上げ、握りしめた。


Akatsuki folded his body as if embracing himself, then sat down on the cold concrete, collapsing.
With a bewildered look as if half-dreaming, I sighed and turned to Nanoha and Momo.
"I came all the way back home, thinking he might know something. Well, I feel like I've figured out most of what I wanted to know anyway."
As I turned around, Nanoha twitched her shoulder and Momo peered intently at us.
"So, Sou, you also did a time leap. ...I vaguely remembered. Sou, who didn't go to America."
This guy, he's still a bit hard to deal with~. He looks like he's spaced out, but sometimes he hits the nail on the head.


"Um, my story is like this... I don't have much to talk about compared to you two. I felt like it was all just a dream until today."
Nanoha's conclusion was far heavier than the rest, but she finished talking calmly, just like she would talk about yesterday's weather.
That's right. I remembered, this guy was like this too. The guy who was at the top of Sky Street couldn't be normal.
"Everyone changed the past, right? And, I will continue singing with Tokiya in the future, Sou will have a future where he didn't get injured, Nanoha-kun..."
"Don't worry about it."
I was surprised when Nanoha said that and softly smiled. Huh? Was this guy capable of making such a face?
Come to think of it, Momo was like that too. She seemed tense and fragile, but the girl in front of me looked straight at me without hesitation and spoke.
"So, Sou, the reason you came back home was...?"
"I wanted to ask Kohaku about it. Why did she go through the trouble of sending me back to the past as Noah and then leaving me behind?
I remembered there was an incident related to Noah at Sky Street before we started over. I saw news about the same thing starting to happen in this world too, and I thought I might have a chance to meet that damn cat and punch him.
Besides, that guy said something when we parted ways in the past. 'I wanted to see what kind of life you would choose the second time, but too bad.' I've been wanting to know the meaning of that."

There are still many things I don't understand. What is the butterfly mark? Why were the five of us chosen?
And the thing I understand the least is about Kohaku.
Noah, who was just a rumor in the eerie city, turned out to be Kohaku. And, looking only at the results, whether by chance or intention, she taught the three of us here how to redo our regrets using "magic."
Even now, I see it in my "dreams." I couldn't continue playing basketball because of my injury. I isolated myself, left Sky Street, and in the end...
"So, shall we get to it soon? That damn cat... it's about Kohaku. You must know something."

I reached out my hand to Akatsuki, who was sitting down, and he slowly raised his head. However, the light in his eyes was different from before.

アカツキは自身を抱きしめるように体を折り、そのまま崩れるように冷たいコンクリートの上に座り込んだ。 呆然として半ば夢を見てるような眼差しに、ため息をついて俺はナノハとモモに振り返る。 「コイツなら何か知ってるだろうと思って、わざわざ帰国したのによぉ。まあ、聞きたかった事は大体わかった気がすっから良いけど」 振り向くと、ビクッとナノハが肩を揺らし、モモはじっとこちらを覗き込んでくる。 「ソウ君も、タイムリープしたんだね。……ぼんやり思いだした。アメリカに行かなかったソウ君」 ―コイツやっぱ、ちょっと苦手なんだよな~。ボケーッとしてるように見えて、たまに核心をついてくるとことか。


「―――えっと、僕の話は、こんな感じ……。 二人に比べたらあんまり話すこと無いんだ。今日まで夢の話だったような気がしてたし」 そう締めくくったナノハの話は、群を抜いてヘビーだったが、昨日の天気の事でも話すように、淡々と語りおえる。 そうだった。思い出したが、コイツもこう言う奴だった。スカイストリートでトップはってるやつが、マトモなわけ無かったわ。 「みんな過去を変えたんだね。それで、私はトキヤと歌を続ける未来を。ソウ君は怪我をしなかった未来を、ナノハ君は……」 「……気にしないで」 そう言って、ナノハがふわりと笑った事に俺は驚いた。あれ?コイツ、こんな顔出来る奴だったっけ? そう言えばモモもそうだ。どこか張り詰めたような危うさがあったが、目の前の彼女は迷いなくまっすぐ俺を見つめて口を開いた。 「でさ、ソウ君が帰国したのって……?」 「コハクにずっと聞きたかったんだ。わざわざノアと名乗って俺を過去に飛ばして、置き去りにした理由を。 やり直す前の世界で、ノア絡みでスカイストリートで人が消える事件があったのを覚えてたからな。この世界でも、同じことが起こり始めたってニュースで見て、あのクソ猫に会って一発殴るチャンスがあるんじゃねえかって思ってさ。 それに、アイツ昔別れ際に言ったんだ。『二度目にどんな人生を選ぶのか見たかったけど残念』ってさ。その意味をずっと知りたかった」

わからない事はまだまだある。蝶の痣ってなんなのか? 俺達5人が選ばれた理由は? そして、一番わからないのはコハクの事だ。 不気味な街のウワサ話に過ぎなかった〈ノア〉は、コハクだった。そして、結果だけ見ればここにいる三人の後悔をやり直しさせるために、偶然か故意かはわからないが〈魔法〉の使い方を教えた事になる。 今でも『夢』で見る。怪我でバスケを続けられなかった俺。孤立して、スカイストリートを去って、最後は……。 「……ってぇ訳で、そろそろ教えてもらおうか? あのクソ猫……コハクの事だ。お前は何か知ってるはずだ」



The headlights of a car were approaching the school gate.
At the end of the arm that pushed me away, a familiar face appeared. Despite my heart screaming, "I don't want to see this anymore, enough!!!" my prayers didn't reach.
For the fourth time, a lifeless body rolled in front of me.
...Ah, I failed again. I wanted to see you smiling under the sun.

A chilly sensation struck my cheek, bringing my consciousness back. It seemed like I had been unconscious for a while.
As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a green marble that I always carried in my pocket as a child. Yes, my treasure that I lost during that accident.
I reached out with my left hand while still lying down, clenched it tightly, and wished strongly that I could see Yuuki again.


"Did Nanoha draw this?"
When I opened my eyes, a boy handed me a piece of drawing paper while wiping his dirty face with his sleeve. It was a landscape painting I had drawn. A city with complex colors like pale jade, blending with nature, spread out. In the center, a huge tree towered up to the sky, my magical city.

Every day at school, a child engrossed in drawing such things was considered eccentric. The classmate who carelessly handed back the picture that had been taken by the bullies as usual while wiping his dirty face with his sleeve. He had thick eyebrows, a small stature, but a loud voice. The first time he spoke, I didn't even remember his name.
It was Yuuki.
Instantly, tears poured out of my eyes like a fool, and I couldn't even speak properly.
"Whoa!? What!? Was this painting that important? It might have gotten a bit dirty from the incinerator soot... Hey, Nanoha~!"
After committing the foolish act of clinging to Yuuki and crying like a baby, a few days later, I finally calmed down and thought in the classroom after school.
It seems like I successfully did the fourth time leap. Moreover, it was at the timing when I first talked to Yuuki.
The previous three times, I time leaped right before the accident. What was the difference between the third time and the fourth time?
The email from "Noah" said this.
To time leap, you have to be in a place where strong emotions linger, and you must have something strongly related to that memory in your hand... When I first time leaped, I had a soccer ball in my hand. I had kept holding onto the ball that caused the accident.
I took out the green marble from my pocket. After I praised the retrieved painting, Yuuki gave me this marble as a substitute. He said he picked it up at his grandmother's rural beach, and it had a gentle touch, worn smooth by sand.
Could it be that, by chance, I held this at the moment of the accident and wished to go back to the past...?


"...Yes, the final time leap. Thanks to Yuuki, I was able to go back even further into the past..."
As I unconsciously traced the feeling of the marble hanging from my neck while talking to Sou and Momo, Akatsuki suddenly approached me as if tightening his grip.
"Tell me everything, Nanoha... everyone. I have to know everything perfectly about 'time leaps.' ...Because, you see, there are only four chances for a reversal, right?"

校門に向かって、車のライトが迫ってくる。 僕を突き飛ばした腕の先、懐かしい顔が見えた。『もう見たくない、沢山だ!!!』と心の中は悲鳴でいっぱいになるのに、祈りは届かない。 4度目、目の前に無機質に転がる躰。 ……ああ、また失敗したんだ。 僕が見たかったのは、おひさまの下で笑ってる君だったのに。

―頬に当たったひやりとした感触に、意識が浮上する。暫く気絶していたらしい。 ぼんやり目を開けると、子供の頃いつもポケットに入れていた緑色のビー玉が見えた。そう、あの事故の時無くした僕の宝物。 倒れたまま左手を伸ばして握りこみ、強く願う。もう一度ユウキに会いたいって。


「これさ、ナノハが描いたの?」 目を開けると、汚れた顔を袖で拭いながら、少年が一枚の画用紙を差し出した。僕が描いた風景画。自然と融合しながら、淡白石の様な複雑な色合いの街が広がっている。中央には巨大な樹が天までそびえた、僕だけの魔法の街。

毎日学校で、夢中になってそんな物を描いている子供は異端だ。いつもの様にいじめっ子達に取り上げられた絵を、無造作に差し出したクラスメート。眉毛が太くて、背は小さいのに声が大きい。初めて喋った時は、名前も覚えてなかった少年。 ユウキだった。 瞬間、僕の目からは勝手にダーッと馬鹿みたいに涙が出て、しゃくりあげすぎて声も出ない。 「うわっ!? 何!? そんなに大事な絵だったの? 焼却炉の煤でちょっと汚れちゃったかも……って、ナノハ~!」 ユウキに抱き着いてわんわん泣くと言う愚行をさらしてから数日後、やっと冷静になって放課後の教室で考える。 どうやら僕は4回目のタイムリープに成功した。しかも、ユウキと初めて喋ったタイミングに。 今までの3回は事故の直前にタイムリープしたのだ。3回目までと4回目、一体何が違ったのだろう。 〈ノア〉からのメールにはこう書かれていた。 タイムリープするには、強い思いが残った場所で、その思い出に強く関わる物を手にしてなければならない……と。僕が初めてタイムリープした時手にしていたのは、サッカーボールだった。あの事故の原因になったボールを、僕はずっと持ち続けていたから。 ポケットから、緑色のビー玉を取り出す。あの後、取り返した絵を感心した様子で褒めるユウキに、あげるよと言ったら代わりにくれたのが彼の宝物のビー玉だった。祖母の田舎の海で拾ったと言うそれは、砂で削られ優しい手触りだった。 ひょっとして、事故の瞬間偶然これを手に持って、過去に戻りたいって願ったから……?


「……そう、最後のタイムリープ。ユウキのおかげで、僕はさらに過去に戻る事が出来たんだ……」 ソウと、モモに話しながら無意識に首から下げたビー玉の感触を指でなぞった瞬間。アカツキがまるで締め上げる勢いで僕に詰め寄った。 「全部教えてくれよ、ナノハ。……みんなも。俺は〈タイムリープ〉の事を完璧に知らないといけないんだ。……だってさ、逆転のチャンスは4回しかないんだろ?」


"Are you an idiot? Outnumbered and outgunned. Akatsuki... he's got that side to him."
"...Don't talk. I can't time travel anymore."

The fundamental theory of C204 has already spread throughout the world, but the trump card, "Sand of Time," is still here.
Honestly, who in the world created such a troublesome thing? I want to complain about it. Because of that, I'm now forced to make a choice. Whether to curse him or not.

Too much blood has been shed from my body. Time is running out. Before I lose the ability to speak, I made up my mind.
"Promise me. No matter what the reason, Akatsuki, who transcends time using C204, has the obligation to see this world through to the end. You must, without fail, see it through to the end, damn it, until the end... This is a curse. Imbued with loneliness and regret, it's a curse that no matter what, cannot pursue me again.

Finally, I tried to burn his face into my memory, but I fell into darkness, unable to fulfill that wish.

「バカじゃない? 多勢に、無勢すぎる。アカツキって……そういうとこある」 「……喋んなよ、俺はもう時間移動できないんだから」

C204の基礎理論は既に世界に広がってしまったが、切り札の「時の砂」はいまだここにある。 全く、どこの誰がこんな厄介なものを生み出したんだろう。文句の一つも言ってやりたい。そのせいで、私は今選択を迫られているんだから。彼に呪いをかけるか、かけないかの。

体から血が流れ過ぎた。もう時間がない。喋れなくなる前に腹を決めた。 「約束して。どんな理由があろうと、C204を使って時間を越えたアカツキは、この世界を最後まで見届ける義務がある。必ず、さいごまで、見届けるってや、くそく、し……」 これは呪いに他ならない。一人孤独と後悔にまみれ、どんなの望んでも再び私を追う事の出来ない呪い。



In a distant past, in a country called Yama, twins were born.

The elder brother possessed the wisdom to process metal, while the younger brother held the power to speak with gods.
This was the proof of inheriting the "blood" that led the clan.


兄は金属を加工する叡智を、弟は神と語る力を持っていた。 それは、一族を率いる『血』を継ぐ証。


What we should seek is a way to not disregard the "self" that we both tried to save.
A method to systematically erase each wrong past.
Aim for the best ending once again, like a skillful agent!

探すべきは、お互いが救おうとした『自分』をないがしろにしない方法。 間違った過去を一つずつ確実に塗りつぶす方法を。 腕利きエージェントのように、もう一度最良のエンディングを目指せ!


Breaking the clock that runs backward,
Meeting again, embracing, I want to say.

Thank you.

逆回りの時計を壊して 再び逢い、抱きしめて言いたいんだ。
