Sentimental Snow

Song Information

Sentimental Snow's jacket.

Artist: 霜月はるか
Composition/Lyrics/Vocals: Haruka Shimotsuki
Arrangement: ?
BPM: 114
Length: 2:18
オンゲキ Genre: チュウマイ
オンゲキ Opponent: 柏木 咲姫 Lv.25
First Music Game Appearance: CHUNITHM STAR PLUS
Other Music Game Appearances:


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes


  • Sentimental Snow is unlockable in CHUNITHM STAR PLUS from June 21st, 2018 as part of the MAP, STAR ep.VI MAP 1.
    • From December 6th, 2018, Sentimental Snow is playable by default.
    • Sentimental Snow was added to CHUNITHM SUPER STAR on August 5th, 2021. It is associated with the MAP, S.STAR ep.VI MAP 1 (but it is available by default).
  • Sentimental Snow was added to オンゲキ PLUS on May 9th, 2019 as part of the Chapter, 第2章チャプター4 – おかえりなさいませ!ご主人さま♪ .

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

CHUNITHM difficulty rated 1 to 14 from AIR PLUS to PARADISE LOST, 1 to 15 from NEW to LUMINOUS, and 1 to 15+ from LUMINOUS PLUS onwards.
オンゲキ to R.E.D. difficulty rated from 1 to 14+, 1 to 15 from R.E.D. PLUS to bright, and 1 to 15+ from bright MEMORY onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Ultima
Notecounts 610 803 1053 1778 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Air / Flick) 115 / 202 / 200 / 93 221 / 190 / 208 / 184 364 / 47 / 403 / 239 522 / 4 / 566 / 632 / 54 -
Chart Designer - - Emerald すきやき奉行 supported by Moon Strix -
CHUNITHM STAR PLUS→Present 2 4 8 11 -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic
Notecounts / BELLs 305 / 19 466 / 37 816 / 78 1142 / 72 -
Chart Designer - - ロシェ@ペンギン 緑化委員長 -
オンゲキ PLUS 2 5 8 12 -
オンゲキ SUMMER→Present 2 5 8 11+ -




