maimai でらっくす PRiSM

1st (舞萌, PLUS) - GreeN (PLUS) - ORANGE (PLUS)
maimai でらっくす
1st (PLUS) - Splash (PLUS) - UNiVERSE (PLUS)
Region Switcher
Japan - Asia - China

Release Information


  • Release date: September 12th, 2024

General Information / Changes

  • Several changes were made to the Chiho progress system:
    • Local progression display and calculation of distance traveled now displays at the end of a game, as opposed to after each TRACK.
    • Upper limit of local distance stock has increased from 99km to 999km.
  • Achieving FULL COMBO or ALL PERFECT in a credit will now apply that bonus to all songs in that credit. (ALL PERFECT will take priority over FULL COMBO.)
  • Selecting a song in the Song Bonus category now applies the bonus to all songs played in that credit.
  • If you reach challenge song/perfect challenge and can no longer progress, you can progress in the area by clearing any TRACK within one credit.
  • Stamp Card selection screen will be skipped until you collect all the stamps on a Stamp Card.
  • Only one tour member performance awakening will be displayed at a time now, even if more than one tour member is awakened.
  • Random Select now added to the Favorites category.
  • Songs are now ordered in categories oldest to newest by release date.
  • All mailmile collected in maimai でらっくす BUDDiES PLUS will be reset to 0.
    • Weekly Area progress 2x and Tour Member level up 5x tickets will transfer over, as will all non-removed Stamp Cards.
  • First verison without a Start Area at Launch.
    • Endless Area is unlocked by default.
  • Game Mode KALEIDXSCOPE Added.


See /Areas.

Staff Information

To be added.

Complete Songlist by Genre

See /Complete Songlist.

New Songs / DX Charts

Song Artist Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
愛包ダンスホール HIMEHINA 3 6 9 13 -
マツケンサンバII 松平健 [covered by 光吉猛修] 3 6 9+ 12+ -
Ado 2 6 9 11+ 13
勇者 YOASOBI 3 6 9+ 11+ 13
niconico & VOCALOID
ダーリンダンス かいりきベア 3 7 9+ 11+ 13
デビルじゃないもん DECO*27, ピノキオピー 3 6 9+ 13 -
リアライズ 柊マグネタイト 3 6 10 13 -
病み垢ステロイド かいりきベア 5 7+ 11 13+ -
ずんだパーリナイ なみぐる feat.ずんだもん 4 7 10 13+ -
Stamp Card unlock
One Step Ahead
DX Charts
伊東歌詞太郎 4 7 10 13 -
Ultimate taste ぱらどっと 5 7+ 11 13+ -
Chronomia Lime 6 8 12 14 -
プリズム△▽リズム Shoichiro Hirata feat.Sana 3 6 10 13 -
Unlockable in スカイストリートちほー6
(with Perfect Challenge)
パラドクスイヴ Teary Planet 3 7+ 11 13 -
YKWTD r-906 4 8 11 13+ -
184億回のマルチトニック Pizuya's Cell feat.中村さん 5 8 11+ 14 -
果ての空、僕らが見た光。 TAKU1175 ft.駄々子 4 8 10+ 13+ -
Unlockable by playing it in CHUNITHM
Elemental Ethnic Yooh 6 8 12 14 -
Unlockable by playing it in オンゲキ
美夜月鏡 かゆき 5 7+ 12 14 -
(B) アンビバレンス すりぃ×相沢 13? アンビバレンスな私なの
(B) ダブルラリアット アゴアニキ 13? 今から振り回しますので離れていてください
(B) 洗脳 ゆりん・柿チョコ×Neru 12+? 知ってた?元祖デュエット譜面
太陽系デスコ ナユタン星人 11+? 一緒にデスコ
ウミユリ海底譚 n-buna 12+? ウミユリ練習譚

Difficulty Changes


Revived Songs


Removed Songs

The following songs appearing in maimai でらっくす BUDDiES PLUS were removed.

Song Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
only my railgun maimai FiNALE 4 7 10 11 12+
SHINY DAYS maimai FiNALE 3 5 7+ 12 -
いつかいい感じにアレしよう maimai でらっくす 4 6 9+ 12+ -
MOON NIGHTのせいにして maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 2 6 8 12 -
Seize The Day maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 1 6 8 11+ -
Shooting Stars maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 2 6 8 12 -
veil maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 2 6 8+ 12+ -
VOLTAGE maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 4 7 11 13 -
うっせぇわ maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 3 7 9+ 11+ 13
夜に駆ける maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 2 6 8 11 13
niconico & VOCALOID
お気に召すまま maimai FiNALE 4 7 10 11 12+
さんさーら! maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE 3 6 8+ 12+ -