maimai DX:History of DX Pass illustrations: Difference between revisions

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All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす Splash can be freely chosen as DX Pass illustrations at any time.
All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす Splash can be freely chosen as DX Pass illustrations at any time.

All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす can no longer be chosen as DX Pass illustrations.
All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす PLUS can no longer be chosen as DX Pass illustrations.

== [[maimai DX:Splash|maimai でらっくす Splash]] ==
== [[maimai DX:Splash|maimai でらっくす Splash]] ==

Revision as of 00:06, 16 March 2021

maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS

All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす Splash can be freely chosen as DX Pass illustrations at any time.

All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす PLUS can no longer be chosen as DX Pass illustrations.

maimai でらっくす Splash

All original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす PLUS can be freely chosen as DX Pass illustrations at any time.

maimai でらっくす PLUS

In でらっくす PLUS, all original tour members that appeared during the course of でらっくす can be freely chosen as DX Pass illustrations at any time. New illustrations still appear, and are still time-limited.

Date Bronze~Gold Freedom
20/08/21~20/09/03 ジークルーネ グリムゲルデ
20/08/07~20/08/20 ブリュンヒルデ ジグニュー
20/07/31~20/08/13 イーシュ 萌木せとか エレノラ
20/07/17~20/07/30 アンドレアス 萌木いよか ティノ
20/06/11~20/07/16 ケファ バルトルメ ルイ
萌木ほのか 萌木はるか ニック(悪魔憑き)
20/03/19~20/04/09 ピリポ 萌木ゆずか エリザビー
20/03/06~20/03/18 えんじぇっくま くろばらっくま タイ
20/02/20~20/03/05 どらごっくま カメ
20/02/07~20/02/19 にんじゃっくま はっぴー
20/01/23~20/02/06 あおはるっくま maimaiちゃん

maimai でらっくす

Date Bronze~Gold Freedom
19/12/20~20/01/09 ラタトスク 白銅寺アズリ バイロン
19/12/13~19/12/19 ファフニール 百合咲ミカ ラルフ
19/11/29~19/12/12 ニーズヘッグ クレメンス
19/11/15~19/11/28 バハムート ヒュド・ルー
19/11/01~19/11/14 めがねっくま 黒姫 エリー
19/10/24~19/10/31 おねむっくま TO_KI ニック
19/10/18~19/10/23 ひげっくま SIN_BA リッツ
19/10/04~19/10/17 たぬっくま BEN_KEI アウル
19/09/20~19/10/03 SAM_RAI シフォン
19/09/06~19/09/19 みつよしっくま 浅葱光一 ソルト
19/08/22~19/09/05 ぱんだっくま 花田美空 ラズ
19/08/09~19/08/21 りすっくま 葵巴 乙姫
19/07/26~19/08/08 いえてぃっくま 青沼優 みるく
19/07/12~19/07/25 でらっくま 水野舞衣 しゃま