
This song also appears in KONAMI's BEMANI series of games. For information on this, see the RemyWiki page on this song.

Song Information

シュガーソングとビターステップ's jacket.

Composition/Lyrics: Tomoya Tabuchi
Arrangement/Vocals: UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
Movie: ?
Album: シュガーソングとビターステップ (2015)
BPM: 135
Length: 2:21 (maimai), 2:28 (CHUNITHM, オンゲキ)
maimai Genre: POPS & ANIME
オンゲキ Genre: POPS & ANIME
オンゲキ Opponent: 星咲 あかり Lv.1 (original charts), 星咲 あかり Lv.48 (LUNATIC)
First Music Game Appearance: CHUNITHM PLUS
Other Music Game Appearances:


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • シュガーソングとビターステップ was used as the opening theme of the anime series, 血界戦線, also known as Blood Blockade Battlefront.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ was added to CHUNITHM PLUS at launch.
    • シュガーソングとビターステップ was also added to CHUNITHM SUPER STAR at launch.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ was added to maimai PiNK PLUS at launch.
  • In Asian English versions of maimai, シュガーソングとビターステップ's title is Sugar Song and Bitter Step.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ is available in オンゲキ from launch as part of the Chapter, Aim for it! Lots of cheer! (第1章チャプター1 – 目指せ! いっぱいのエール!).
    • From December 6th, 2018, シュガーソングとビターステップ is available by default.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ received DX charts in maimai でらっくす at launch for all three regions.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ and its DX charts were removed from the Chinese versions of maimai starting in 舞萌DX 2021.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ and its DX charts were removed from the Asian versions of maimai starting in maimai DX UNiVERSE.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ was removed from CHUNITHM SUPER STAR PLUS on February 3rd, 2022.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ received a LUNATIC chart in オンゲキ bright MEMORY on September 1st, 2022. This chart is unlockable until September 28th, 2022 by getting 7000 mp in the September 2022 Monthly Missions.
    • From November 10th, 2022, this chart is available by default.
  • シュガーソングとビターステップ was removed from オンゲキ bright MEMORY on March 7th, 2024.

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

maimai difficulty rated 1 to 12 from GreeN to PiNK PLUS, 1 to 13 from MURASAKi to MiLK PLUS, 1 to 14 from FiNALE to でらっくす, and 1 to 15 from でらっくす PLUS onwards.
CHUNITHM to AIR difficulty rated from 1 to 13+, and 1 to 14 from AIR PLUS to PARADISE LOST.
オンゲキ to R.E.D. difficulty rated from 1 to 14+, 1 to 15 from R.E.D. PLUS to bright, and 1 to 15+ from bright MEMORY onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Standard Charts

Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Notecounts 87 224 352 554 887 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Break) 76 / 6 / 3 / 2 210 / 3 / 4 / 7 288 / 46 / 8 / 10 449 / 43 / 40 / 22 770 / 28 / 67 / 21 -
Chart Designer - - - はっぴー Jack -
maimai PiNK PLUS 2 5 7 9 11+ -
maimai MURASAKi→FiNALE 2 5 7 8 11+ -
maimai でらっくす - 5 7 8 11+ -
maimai でらっくす PLUS - 5 7 9 12 -
maimai でらっくす Splash→UNiVERSE - 5 7 9 12+ -

DX Charts

Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Notecounts 166 282 454 689 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Touch / Break) 140 / 8 / 3 / 10 / 5 217 / 27 / 8 / 13 / 17 342 / 37 / 13 / 48 / 14 454 / 20 / 79 / 128 / 17 -
Chart Designer - - はっぴー はっぴー -
maimai でらっくす 4 7 9 11 -
maimai でらっくす PLUS→UNiVERSE 4 7 9 11+ -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Ultima
Notecounts 295 564 868 1330 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Air / Flick) 174 / 45 / 48 / 28 325 / 79 / 132 / 28 565 / 151 / 50 / 102 946 / 18 / 135 / 200 / 31 -
Chart Designer - - Jack Techno Kitchen -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic
Notecounts / BELLs 234 / 43 376 / 48 526 / 123 976 / 58 1170 / 79
Chart Designer - - ロシェ@ペンギン&ものくろっく ものくろっく Re:MASTER by みそかつ侍
オンゲキ→bright 2 5 7+ 11+ -
オンゲキ bright MEMORY 2 5 7+ 11+ 13+



Standard Charts

Master (pitch shifted)

DX Charts

Expert (pitch shifted)

Master (pitch shifted)


Expert (pitch shifted)

Master (pitch shifted)


