Crow Song

Song Information

Crow Song's jacket.

Artist: Girls Dead Monster (marina)「Angel Beats!」
Composition/Lyrics: Jun Maeda
Arrangement: hikarisyuyo
Vocals: marina
Album: Crow Song (2010)
BPM: 174
Length: 2:22
オンゲキ Genre: POPS & ANIME
オンゲキ Opponent: ユイ Lv.10
First Music Game Appearance: オンゲキ SUMMER
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes


  • Crow Song is an insert song from the anime series, Angel Beats!.
  • Crow Song was added to オンゲキ SUMMER on January 23rd, 2020 as part of the event Chapter, Angel Beats!.
  • Crow Song was removed from オンゲキ bright MEMORY on August 4th, 2022.

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

オンゲキ to R.E.D. difficulty rated from 1 to 14+, 1 to 15 from R.E.D. PLUS to bright, and 1 to 15+ from bright MEMORY onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic
Notecounts / BELLs 411 / 50 427 / 27 1046 / 156 1563 / 203 -
Chart Designer - - ロシェ@ペンギン ぴちネコ -
オンゲキ SUMMER→bright MEMORY 3 6 9 12+ -


