Official goods/Campaigns
This page documents the "original goods campaigns" and the lucky kuji.
Sega lucky kuji CHUNITHM & maimai + オンゲキ
- Date: 2018/06/02
- Items:
- A. Dynamite Dynamite Rev.
- B. 手乗りマスコット 《全2種》
- C. 手袋2組セット 《全3種》 (maimai, CHUNITHM, オンゲキ)
- D. Aimeカード 《全3種》 (maimai MiLK, CHUNITHM STAR PLUS, オンゲキ 1st)
- E. カードケース 《全2種》 (maimai MiLK, オンゲキ 1st)
- F. ラバーコードロールストラップ 《全4種》 CHUNITHMシリアルコード付き
- G. ソフトクリアキーホルダー 《全8種》
- Last lucky award: 手乗りマスコット チュウニペンギン「ね、かんたんでしょ?」Ver. 《全1種》
- Awarded when the very last item of a shop is obtained
A prize draw that costs 500 yen per ticket.
maimai MiLK PLUS original goods campaign
- Date: 2018/11/01 ~ 12/12
- Items:
- Clear file (6pt)
- 6 kinds in total: Ras (PiNK), Chiffon (GreeN), Salt (1st), Otohime (MURASAKi), Shama (ORANGE), Milk (MiLK)
- Character on one side, cabinet on the other
- Garakuta Scramble! (36pt)
- Clear file (6pt)
maimai DX PLUS original goods campaign
- Date: 2020/01/23 ~
04/1304/2709/16- Ending date postponed twice due to COVID-19
- Items:
- maimai でらっくす PLUS オリジナルAimeカード (15pt)
- maimai でらっくす PLUS オリジナルクリアファイル(全6種ランダム)
- 6 kinds in total: Ras (PiNK), Chiffon (GreeN), Salt (1st), Otohime (MURASAKi), Shama (ORANGE), Milk (MiLK)
- Character and DX Area on one side, cabinet on the other
maimai DX Splash original goods campaign
- Date: 2021/02/10 ~
05/0706/3007/30- Ending date postponed twice due to COVID-19
- Items:
- ラバー製BIGパスケース (30pt)
- Otohima (Splash)
- Aimeカード&カスタムシールセット (20pt)
- Detailed description TBA
- クリアファイル(全6種ランダム) (6pt)
- Otohime (Splash)
- 6 pre-DX characters in puchi style
- Sky Street Area
- Black Rose Area
- Metropolis Area
- Heaven Area
- Digital item: Frame
- Metropolis Area
- Heaven Area
- ラバー製BIGパスケース (30pt)
maimai DX UNiVERSE original goods campaign
- Date: 2022/01/14 ~ 03/23
- Items:
- Aime card (15pt)
- Shama & Milk, in UNiVERSE style
- オリジナルICカードケース(全6種・ランダム)
- Details TBA
- Digital item: Icon "UNiVERSE しゃま&みるく" (5pt)
maimai DX FESTiVAL original goods campaign
- Date: 2023/01/13 ~ 03/22
- Items:
- maimai でらっくす グッズキャンペーンDiSC -FESTiVAL- (45pt)
- Aime card (20pt)
- Ras, Chiffon, and Salt, in FESTiVAL style
- Hologram stickers (6pt)
- 1 at random of: Ras, Chiffon, Salt, Otohime, Shama, Milk
- Digital item: Icon "FESTiVAL ラズ&シフォン&ソルト" (6pt)
maimai DX BUDDiES original goods campaign
- Date: 2024/01/19 ~ 03/20
- Items:
- maimai でらっくす グッズキャンペーンDiSC -BUDDiES- (45pt)
- Aime card (20pt)
- Otohime and Ras, in BUDDiES style
- Gloves (15pt)
- Both Otohime (orange) and Ras (blue) available
- Digital item: Icon "BUDDiES 乙姫&ラズ" (6pt)
Sega lucky kuji CHUNITHM
- Date: 2017/06/15
- Items:
- B. 「チュウニズム手袋2組セット」(全3種)
- C. 「イロドリミドリ 5人の日常デザインAimeカード」(全5種)
- D. 「ラバーマスコット」(全4種)
- E. 「クリアファイル2枚セット」シリアルコード付き(全6種)
- M. 「月光 -光吉猛修カバーソングアルバム-」シリアルコード付き(全1種)
- Last lucky award: A+M (2 CDs, with serial code)
- Awarded when the very last item of a shop is obtained
- Double lucky award: C, but with the signatures of the 5 voice actors
- The serial number printed at the back of the lottery ticket is used to enter another prize draw in which 10 people would get the double lucky award.
A prize draw that costs 500 yen per ticket.
CHUNITHM original goods campaign vol. 1
- Date: 2017/01/12 ~ 02/08
- Items:
- メタヴァースクリアファイルセット(全2種) (6pt)
- イロドリミドリ チュウニズムカバーアルバム “GO!GO!チュウニズム♥”(全1種) (36pt)
CHUNITHM original goods campaign vol. 2
- Date: 2018/02/08 ~ 03/07
- Items:
- CHUNITHM STARクリアファイル(全5種) (6pt)
- イロドリミドリ LIVE’17 ~第1話「Still Going On!!!!!!!」~ LIVE Blu-ray + SPECIAL CD『GO!GO!チュウニズム♥[布]』(全1種) (75pt)
CHUNITHM original goods campaign vol. 3
- Date: 2019/03/07 ~ 04/10
- Items:
- CHUNITHM AMAZONクリアファイル (全3種) (6pt)
- CHUNITHMオリジナルアミューズメントICカード (全1種) (15pt)
- Chuni Penguin's head
- イロドリミドリ SPECIAL CD 『GO!GO!チュウニズム♥エンドマーク』 (全1種) (36pt)
- In-game item (digital item): ショウニスタチュウ (25pt)
- Limited to 5 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades cannot be combined.
CHUNITHM original goods campaign vol. 4
- Date:
2020/04/01 ~ 05/272020/06/25 ~ 09/02- Postponed entirely due to COVID-19
- Items:
- イロドリミドリ SPECIAL CD 『回レ!GO!GO!チュウニズム』(クリアICカードステッカー 2種付き) (全1種) (45pt)
- CHUNITHM オリジナルAimeカード (全1種) (15pt)
- Golden, like a credit card, with "JUSTICE CARD" written on it
- CHUNITHM 飛び出す?クリアファイル (全4種ランダム) (6pt)
- In-game item (digital item): オリジナルキャラクター (全4種) (50pt)
- Limited to 1 per type per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades cannot be combined.
- In-game item (digital item): ショウニスタチュウ (25pt)
- Limited to 5 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades cannot be combined.
CHUNITHM original goods campaign vol. 5
- Date: 2021/01/21 ~
03/3105/12- Ending date postponed due to COVID-19
- Items:
- 『イロドリミドリ LIVE’20 第一回 HaNaMiNa 定例会』LIVE Blu-ray (50pt)
- With serial code for character 小野 美苗/小野美苗のなんて言うことのない日
- Original Aime card (20pt)
- Black, like a credit card, with "JUSTICE CARD CRITICAL" written on it
- Original rubber pass case (30pt)
- 1 at random out of 2
- In-game item (digital item): オリジナルキャラクター (全4種) (30pt)
- Limited to 1 per type per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- In-game item (digital item): ショウニスタチュウ (25pt)
- Limited to 5 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- 『イロドリミドリ LIVE’20 第一回 HaNaMiNa 定例会』LIVE Blu-ray (50pt)
CHUNITHM NEW original goods campaign vol. 6
- Date: 2022/02/17 ~ 04/13
- Items:
- 『イロドリミドリ LIVE’21 第4話 ~No Limits Colors~』LIVE Blu-ray (60pt)
- With serial code for character 御形 アリシアナ/悲しき狼
- Original clear file (6pt)
- 1 at random out of 4
- In-game item (digital item): オリジナルキャラクター (全4種) (30pt)
- Limited to 1 per type per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- In-game item (digital item): ショウニスタチュウ (25pt)
- Limited to 5 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- 『イロドリミドリ LIVE’21 第4話 ~No Limits Colors~』LIVE Blu-ray (60pt)
CHUNITHM SUN original goods campaign vol. 7
- Date: 2022/11/10 ~ 2023/01/11
- Items:
- Original towel and gloves set (45pt)
- Original Aime card (20pt)
- Character design: ナイ/0419_Guardian
- Social media-style clear card (6pt)
- 1 at random out of 6
- In-game item (digital item): 4月1日でございました (41pt)
- In-game item (digital item): オリジナルキャラクター (全4種) (30pt)
- Limited to 1 per type per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- This time, each character is available individually at certain times during the campaign.
- ナイ/0419_Guardian - 2022/11/10 ~ 11/23
- サジ&ニナ/パステルウォーカー - 2022/11/24 ~ 12/07
- 蒼き大地のソルナ - 2022/12/08 ~ 12/21
- 聖女アンナ・マルグレーテ/運命の禍福 - 2022/12/22 ~ 2023/01/11
- In-game item (digital item): キャラクターランクブースト×6倍チケット(全1種・デジタルアイテム) (30pt)
- Limited to 15 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
- In-game item (digital item): ショウニスタチュウ (25pt)
- Limited to 15 per person across all arcades. Points from different arcades can be combined.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 1
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 2
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 3
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 4
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 5
- Date: 2021/07/29 ~
10/2012/15- End date postponed due to COVID-19
- Items:
- 【A1サイズ】オンゲキ R.E.D. キービジュアルポスター & Aimeカードセット(全1種) (60pt)
- Poster is for R.E.D., Aime card is R.E.D. PLUS-themed
- オンゲキシューターズ オリジナルアクリルスタンド R.E.D. (全8種ランダム) (25pt)
- オンゲキシューターズ オリジナルアクリルスタンド B.L.U.E.(全9種ランダム) (25pt)
- SSR確定書 (7pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 【SR】[STARRED HEART]カード(全5種) (5pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 【SSR】柏木 美亜[ずっと、夏!](5枚セット) (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 20 per person
- 【A1サイズ】オンゲキ R.E.D. キービジュアルポスター & Aimeカードセット(全1種) (60pt)
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.
- End time for digital items is still 10/20 23:59.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 6
- Date: 2022/03/17 ~ 06/22
- Items:
- 「オンゲキ」 LIVE vol.2 ~No Limit STARRED HEART~ ライブBlu-ray&Aimeカードセット (全1種) (100pt)
- Aime card is オンゲキ bright-themed, not bright MEMORY
- Contains serial code for 【SSR】星咲 あかり[私たちは、負けない!]
- ONGEKI Memorial Soundtrack Yuki (45pt)
- デイドリーム・フェアリーズ クリアファイル(全17種) (15pt)
- SSR確定書 (7pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 【SSR】東雲 つむぎ[ずっと、夏!]5枚セット (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 20 per person
- 「オンゲキ」 LIVE vol.2 ~No Limit STARRED HEART~ ライブBlu-ray&Aimeカードセット (全1種) (100pt)
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 7
- Date: 2022/09/15 ~ 12/21
- Items:
- オンゲキ 4th Anniversary Live ~Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I.~ live Blu-Ray Disc and HEADLINER Aime card (100pt)
- ONGEKI 4th Anniversary Aime card (30pt)
- Also includes digital code for the solo versions of 撩乱乙女†無双劇
- Make UP Future! original clear file (15pt)
- 1 at random out of 17
- 【SSR】高瀬 梨緒[ずっと、夏!]5枚セット (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- SSR確定書 (7pt and 77pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 20 per person
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 8
- Date: 2023/04/20 ~ 07/19
- Items:
- Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. themed T-shirt and Towel set (120pt)
- ONGEKI Memorial Soundtrack Nexture 01「Starry」 (60pt)
- Also includes digital code for the solo versions of Butterfly Wave
- Original clear file (20pt)
- 1 at random out of 18
- 【SSR】皇城 セツナ[私たちは、負けない!] 5枚セット (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- SSR確定書 (7pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 50 per person
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 9
- Date: 2023/11/30 ~ 2024/03/13
- Items:
- ONGEKI 5th Anniversary A1 poster and FestA of PandemoniuM Aime card (100pt)
- ONGEKI Memorial Soundtrack Nexture 02「Lunaria」 and いちげき! Aime card (80pt)
- Also includes digital code for the solo versions of Geki Geki!! 激闘Break Out!!
- デイドリーム・フェアリーズ character pop stand (20pt)
- 1 at random out of 17
- 【SSR】三角 葵[私たちは、負けない!](5枚セット) (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- SSR確定書 (7pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 50 per person
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.
オンゲキ original goods campaign vol. 10
- Date: 2024/6/20 ~ 2024/9/18
- Items:
- Akari Hoshizaki acrylic stand and ⊿TRiEDGE Aime card (100pt)
- ONGEKI Memorial Soundtrack Nexture 03「Southern Cross」 and Setsuna Aime card (60pt)
- Also includes code for character card: 【SR+】井之原 小星[Nexture 03「Southern Cross」]
- Character acrylic stand (15pt)
- 1 at random out of 17
- 【SSR】藤沢 柚子[私たちは、負けない!](5枚セット) (200pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- SSR確定書 (7pt)
- Digital item, limited to one per person
- 親密度アイテム(大) (60pt)
- Digital item, limited to 50 per person
- For digital items, points need to be converted to digital points first. You can choose to convert multiples of 5 points, or convert all points at an arcade, at once.