オンゲキ Chapter3

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オンゲキ Chapter3 is the third chapter of オンゲキ. It takes place across both オンゲキ SUMMER and オンゲキ SUMMER PLUS. It consists seven main parts, and six side-stories. Parts were added on the following dates:

  • cp.1: August 22nd, 2019 (SUMMER launch)
  • scp1: September 26th, 2019
  • scp2: October 17th, 2019
  • scp3: November 7th, 2019
  • scp4: December 24th, 2019
  • scp5: January 16th, 2020
  • cp.2: February 6th, 2020
  • cp.3: February 20th, 2020 (SUMMER PLUS launch)
  • cp.4: March 19th, 2020
  • scp6: June 11th, 2020
  • cp.6: June 18th, 2020
  • cp.7: July 23rd, 2020

Clearing songs and meeting requirements will unlock new songs and charts to play, as well as the ability to buy cards at the shop. Some songs require jewels to be spent first to access them. Over time, songs are made available by default. See each individual part below to see for said release dates.

Compared to オンゲキ and オンゲキ PLUS, the chapters focus almost exclusively on original content after cp.1. Also unlike the previous entries, some of the オンゲキ originals also appear as default songs. Other new songs/LUNATIC charts are temporarily timed to completing a certain amount of times to unlock them for normal play outside of the chapter. They will automatically be unlocked after time passes. Songs that do not require a specific requirement will be marked with a "Default." requirement.

For songs that are not unlocked in the same game, requirements to unlock them in later entries will be listed as well.

All songs played in order shown below.

Main Parts

cp.1: Ikinari Shooter Festival Final! (いきなりシューターフェス決勝!)

Hidden songs/charts could be unlocked from August 22nd, 2019 until September 25th, 2019.

Baqeela, Desperado Waltz, Lazy Addicition, and Touch and Go were unlocked by default in オンゲキ SUMMER PLUS. 最強 the サマータイム!!!!! is unlocked by default in オンゲキ R.E.D..

Song Genre Rival Requirements
cp.1 songs
最強 the サマータイム!!!!! オンゲキ 日向 千夏 Lv.3 Do 80% TOTAL DAMAGE.
まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! オンゲキ ? Default.
徒花ネクロマンシー POPS & ANIME ? Default.
Grand symphony POPS & ANIME ? Default.
Touch and Go オンゲキ 日向 千夏 Lv.20 Do 600% TOTAL DAMAGE.
Baqeela オンゲキ 日向 千夏 Lv.30 Do 700% TOTAL DAMAGE.
トリドリ⇒モリモリ! Lovely fruits☆ オンゲキ ? Default.
ダンスロボットダンス niconico ? Default.
ギガンティックO.T.N niconico ? Default.
FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix) VARIETY ? Default.
Lazy Addiction オンゲキ 柏木 美亜 Lv.15 Do 700% TOTAL DAMAGE.
夜明けのストリング オンゲキ ? Default.
Preserved Roses POPS & ANIME ? Default.
The Everlasting Guilty Crown POPS & ANIME ? Default.
快晴 niconico ? Default.
サマータイムレコード niconico ? Default.
Desperado Waltz オンゲキ 東雲 つむぎ Lv.25 Do 700% TOTAL DAMAGE.
からくりピエロ LUNATIC あおニャン Lv.30 Do 1000% TOTAL DAMAGE.
緋蜂 LUNATIC あかニャン Lv.60 Do 250% TOTAL DAMAGE.

scp.1: The most delicious thing at a beach house (海の家で一番美味しいアレ)


scp.2: I wonder what's inside the box (箱の中身はなんだろな)


scp.3: Dangerous swimsuit incident (あぶない水着大事件)


scp.4: Vice President's slacking experience (副会長のおサボり体験)


scp.5: Chinatsu's Infiltration Operation (千夏の潜入大作戦)


cp.2: Present for you (ぷれぜんと・ふぉー・ゆー)


cp.3: Welcome to Cosplay Cafe (コスプレ喫茶へようこそ)


cp.4: Crepes taste like Mom's (クレープはママの味)


scp.6: When a dog walks, she becomes a ravishing maiden (犬も歩けば撩乱乙女)


cp.5: Akane Ousaka's challenge (逢坂茜の挑戦状)


cp.6: Da Capo of chickens (ひよこたちのダ・カーポ)


cp.7: Reconciliation finale (仲直りのフィナーレ)


Other Chapters