maimai でらっくす グッズキャンペーンDiSC -FESTiVAL-
maimai でらっくす グッズキャンペーンDiSC -FESTiVAL- is a soundtrack released as part of the maimai DX FESTiVAL Original Goods Present Campaign No.4 (maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL オリジナルグッズプレゼントキャンペーン 第4弾), which lasted from January 13th to March 22nd, 2023. It can be exchanged for 45pt. It contains extended versions of songs from maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL, the theme of the upcoming maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL PLUS, and 1 new original song.
Album Information
- Release date: 2023/01/13
Track List
- ホシシズク (long ver.) / 森羅万象
- Rising on the horizon (Long ver.) / TAG
- HECATONCHEIR (Final Form) / Yuta Imai
- World's end loneliness (full ver.) / 打打だいず
- VeRForTe αRtE:VEiN / orangentle
- ツムギボシ / 大国奏音 feat.timao