
Song Information

全力☆Summer!'s jacket.

Artist: angela「アホガール」
Composition/Vocals: atsuko, KATSU
Arrangement: KATSU
Lyrics: atsuko
Movie: ?
Album: 全力☆Summer! (2017)
BPM: 158
Length: 2:12
maimai Genre: POPS & ANIME
First Music Game Appearance: maimai MiLK PLUS
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • 全力☆Summer! was used as the opening theme of the anime series, アホガール (Aho-Girl).
  • 全力☆Summer! was added to maimai MiLK PLUS on September 18th, 2018.
    • Its Re:MASTER chart was added on the same day.
  • Due to licensing issues, 全力☆Summer! is not available in maimai versions outside of Japan.

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

maimai difficulty rated 1 to 13 from MURASAKi to MiLK PLUS, 1 to 14 from FiNALE to でらっくす, and 1 to 15 from でらっくす PLUS onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Standard Charts

Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Notecounts 105 197 341 487 582 663
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Break) 92 / 7 / 4 / 2 162 / 24 / 9 / 2 256 / 47 / 11 / 27 409 / 57 / 17 / 4 429 / 39 / 106 / 8 425 / 22 / 131 / 85
Chart Designer - - - はっぴー 緑風 犬三郎 玉子豆腐
maimai MiLK PLUS→FiNALE 2 4 6 8+ 10+ 11+
maimai でらっくす - 4 6 8+ 10+ 11+
maimai でらっくす PLUS - 4 6 9 10+ 11+
maimai でらっくす Splash - 4 6 9 10+ 12



Standard Charts

