CHUNITHM:NEW (China)/Removed Images

Due to Chinese regulations, several images have been removed or modified in 中二节奏NEW!!. The songs, however, are still retained in these cases.

Song Corresponding Character Jacket removed? Character removed? Comment
Bang Babang Bang!!! 御形 アリシアナ No way to get 無印 version of the character in 中二节奏 NEW.
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ 愛野 ヒカリ × Zoomed-in image.
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ ~あーりん書類審査通過記念Ver.~ ? ?
Last Moments N/A N/A
SPICY SWINGY STYLE 明坂 芹菜 No way to get 無印 version of the character in 中二节奏 NEW.
Tango Rouge 帝国魔導師 イセリア? ×
THE BRASS OF GOODSPEED!! 愛野 ヒカリ/最強の花嫁 ×
Tic Tac DREAMIN' 天王洲 なずな No way to get 無印 version of the character in 中二节奏 NEW.
TRUST 小仏 凪 No way to get 無印 version of the character in 中二节奏 NEW.
Tuning Rangers 天音 エイジ? ×
Worlds End N/A N/A
足立オウフwwww 新井 桃子 ×
君のせい N/A N/A
無敵We are one!! N/A N/A
砂漠のハンティングガール♡ 熱砂のディース ×
最愛テトラグラマトン 愛野 ヒカリ/最愛の光? ×
とーきょー全域★アキハバラ? (ver.にこる) ?
夢路拍子 九十九 宗治郎

Additionally, songs that have zoomed-in Asian jackets use these jackets in China also.