Rating is a number that shows the technical skill of a player, like in CHUNITHM and maimai.
Chart rating
Per-chart rating value is based on internal level and Technical Score. It is calculated as follows, with floor2
defined as floor for two decimal places:
Score coefficient is calculated linearly between:
- 900,000: -4.0
- 970,000: +0.0
- 1,000,000: +1.5
- 1,007,500: +2.0
Therefore, starting from S, it increases by 0.01 every 200 points until SSS and then every 150 points until SSS+, where it reaches the highest possible value. Below S, it decreases by 0.01 every 175 points.
Profile rating
LUNATIC 0 charts and Bonus Tracks are excluded.
Best windows
is the sum of 30 highest chart ratings from previous game versions (bright MEMORY Act.2 and earlier).NewBest15
is the sum of 15 highest chart ratings from the current game version (bright MEMORY Act.3).- Each chart can appear at most once.
Recent window
The sum of 10 highest chart ratings from a queue of 30 recent scores.
- The same chart can appear multiple times.
- LUNATIC/Re:MASTER charts are excluded.
- Scores don't get added to the recent scores queue if certain conditions are met.