
Revision as of 04:57, 23 February 2024 by MENDES (talk | contribs)

Song Information

ココロオドル's jacket.

Artist: nobodyknows+ [cover]
Composition/Lyrics: nobodyknows+
Arrangement: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
Vocals: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Yuge
Movie: ?
BPM: 226
Length: 1:41
maimai Genre: POPS & ANIME
First Music Game Appearance: maimai ORANGE PLUS
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes

  • ココロオドル is a cover of the nobodyknows+ song of the same title.


  • ココロオドル was added to maimai ORANGE PLUS on July 16th 2015.
  • In Asian English versions of maimai, ココロオドル's title is changed to Kokoroodoru.
  • A "making of" video of ココロオドル's background video is included in the DVD in maimaiジューシー★おとりよせBOX.

Difficulty & Notecounts

maimai difficulty rated 1 to 12 from GreeN to PiNK PLUS, and 1 to 13 from MURASAKi to MiLK PLUS.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Standard Charts

Game Level
Easy Basic Advanced Expert Master Re:Master
Notecounts 61 171 340 423 682 -
(Tap / Hold / Slide / Break) 54 / 2 / 3 / 2 159 / 5 / 2 / 5 316 / 4 / 12 / 8 246 / 78 / 30 / 69 463 / 9 / 110 / 100 -
Chart Designer - - - ロシェ@ペンギン Revo@LC -
maimai ORANGE PLUS→MiLK 2 4 7 8+ 11 -



Standard Charts