Catch Me If You Can

Revision as of 01:19, 7 May 2022 by imported>Hibiki (→‎Song Connections / Remixes)

Song Information

Catch Me If You Can's jacket.

Artist: 曲: TAKU INOUE / 歌: 早乙女 彩華(CV:中島 唯)
Composition/Arrangement: TAKU INOUE
Lyrics: ?
Vocals: Ayaka Saotome (CV: Yui Nakajima)
BPM: 130
Length: 2:42
オンゲキ Genre: オンゲキ
オンゲキ Opponent: 早乙女 彩華 Lv.20
First Music Game Appearance: オンゲキ bright
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes

  • An extended version of Catch Me If You Can appears on the ONGEKI Vocal Party 08 soundtrack.
    • An instrumental version also appears on this soundtrack, alongside the game size version.


  • Catch Me If You Can was added to オンゲキ bright on November 11th, 2021.

Genre Changes


Difficulty & Notecounts

オンゲキ difficulty rated 1 to 15 from R.E.D. PLUS to bright, and 1 to 15+ from bright MEMORY onwards.
(Ratings and notecounts obtained from maimai on gamerch, and CHUNITHM and オンゲキ wikis on wikiwiki.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic
Notecounts / BELLs 308 / 37 783 / 89 908 / 100 1328 / 214 -
Chart Designer - - ものくろっく アマリリス -
オンゲキ bright→Present 2 7+ 10 13 -


