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= lyrics proofread =
== Song Information ==
[[Image:Tsunagite.png|thumb|系ぎて's jacket.]]
Artist: rintaro soma<br>
Composition/Arrangement: [[rintaro soma]]<br>
Movie: Shinichiro Miyazaki<br>
BPM: 88<br>
Length: 2:54<br>
maimai Genre: maimai<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[maimai DX:BUDDiES|maimai でらっくす BUDDiES]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances: None.

== Lyrics ==
* [[We Gonna Party]]
* [[Otohimemory utagation|オトヒメモリー☆ウタゲーション]]
== Song Connections / Remixes ==
* [[Limit Break]]
* [[Justified]]
* [[Magical Flavor]]
== Trivia ==
* [[Candy Tall Woman]]
* 系ぎて was used as the final round song for the [[KING of Performai]] 5th event for maimai.
* Before KoP the 5th started, the artist, rintaro soma, tweeted this after KING of Performai online qualifying ended[]: <pre>Thank you for playing solips. Doesnt this mean that humanity still has a long way to go?</pre> hinting the appearance of this song.
* [[Kinda Way]]
* 系ぎて was added to maimai でらっくす BUDDiES on February 29th, 2023 as a "conduction song" (伝導楽曲) that can be "conducted" to other players by playing it with them in multiplayer mode.
** The song would only get conducted to the other player that plays on the same cab as the "conductor" (which is the 8 players who attended KoP).
* [[Boys O'Clock|Boys O’Clock]]
** Unlike other songs, it can be conducted by players who get conducted, and friend matching is available for this song.
* [[Inarabu kokumotsu to tameiki majiri no unsouya|居並ぶ穀物と溜息まじりの運送屋]]
** It was added to the Asian version on the same day, without any unlocking condition.
* [[Maiodore! maimai time|マイオドレ!舞舞タイム]]
* In the 15-level scale introduced in [[maimai DX:PLUS|maimai でらっくす PLUS]], the Re:MASTER chart of 系ぎて is the second level 15 chart, after [[PANDORA PARADOXXX]].
* [[Orifice|オリフィス]]
** This is the only song being ranked the highest rating after [[maimai:FiNALE|maimai FiNALE]].
* [[Yume hibana|ユメヒバナ]]
== Genre Changes ==
* [[Parabola|パラボラ]]
* [[Regulus]]
* [[Wunder schaffen no housoku|ワンダーシャッフェンの法則]]
== Difficulty & Notecounts ==
* [[BIRTH]]
{{maimai Difficulty|buddies}}
* [[Theatrical case|シアトリカル・ケース]]
{{Notecount Sources}}
* [[Step and lime|ステップアンドライム]]
* [[Todokanai hanataba|届かない花束]]
=== maimai ===
* [[Jorqer|Jörqer]]
==== DX Charts ====
* [[Paradisoda]]
{{Missing notecounts}}
{{maimai DX Chart Header|
* [[Hoshi meguri, hate no kimi e.|星めぐり、果ての君へ。]]
{{maimai DX Chart Notecounts|?|?|?|?|1400}}
* [[Slow arise|スローアライズ]]
{{maimai DX Chart Breakdown|? / ? / ? / ? / ?|? / ? / ? / ? / ?|? / ? / ? / ? / ?|? / ? / ? / ? / ?|1100 / 40 / 70 / 90 / 100}}
* [[Cerca/esoterica|チエルカ/エソテリカ]]
{{maimai DX Chart Designer|[[Luxizhel]]|maimai TEAM DX|BEYOND THE MEMORiES}}
* [[Seimei fushou|生命不詳]]
{{maimai DX Chart|maimai でらっくす BUDDiES&rarr;Present|7|10|13+|14+|15}}
* [[Never Give Up!]]
* [[Starry Colors]]
* [[Hoshizora spectacle|ほしぞらスペクタクル]]
== Videos ==
* [[Soukyuu bugaku|蒼穹舞楽]]
{{YouTube|Official video|q26OmWO8ccg}}
* [[Tobidase! TO THE COSMIC!!|とびだせ!TO THE COSMIC!!]]
=== maimai ===
* [[Kamigakari|噛み係]]
==== DX Charts ====
* [[Triage|トリアージ]]
* [[Round Round Spinning Around]]
[[Category:maimai Original Songs]]
* [[Yomibito shirazu|ヨミビトシラズ]]
* [[Zen'eiteki Landscape|前衛的Landscape]]
* [[Ambivalence|アンビバレンス]]
* [[Milky star shooting star|ミルキースター・シューティングスター]]
* [[isophote|isophote]]
* [[Perfection|パーフェクション]]
* [[Daemon bet|デーモンベット]]
* [[Irresistible]]
* [[N3V3R G3T OV3R]]
* [[Hoshizora party tune|星空パーティーチューン]]
* [[Jouez Avec Moi?]]
* [[Idenshi level spiral|遺伝子レベル∞スパイラル]]
* [[Hoshi shizuku|ホシシズク]]
* [[Rainbow Rush Story]]
* [[Tricolor circuS|Tricolor⁂circuS]]
* [[(X)|[X]]]
* [[Bunkai shuusoku tale|分解収束テイル]]
* [[mystique as iris]]
* [[Rising on the horizon]]
* [[You Mean the World to Me]]
* [[Neon Kingdom]]
* [[Kurutta minzoku 2 PRAVARGYAZOOQA|#狂った民族2 PRAVARGYAZOOQA]]
* [[VSpook!]]
* [[Falling]]
* [[Period sign|ピリオドサイン]]
* [[Gunjou signal|群青シグナル]]
* [[Beat Opera op.1]]
* [[Hoshimigusa|星見草]]
* [["411psi892"|"411Ψ892"]]
* [[Hikari ni terasareru oomichi|康莊大道]]
* [[ViRTUS]]
* [[Tonosama beam|トノサマビーム]]
* [[enchanted wanderer]]
* [[Comet Panto Men!]]
* [[Tsumugiboshi|ツムギボシ]]
* [[VeRForTe aRtE:VEiN|VeRForTe αRtE:VEiN]]
* [[Eden|ヱデン]]
* [[Nyaa nyaa boukentan|にゃーにゃー冒険譚]]
* [[The Great Banquet]]
* [[Redemption]]
* [[Ether Second]]
* [[Straight into the lights]]
* [[Amber chronicle|アンバークロニクル]]
* [[Refvain|リフヴェイン]]
* [[Kairos]]
* [[Yoi no tori|宵の鳥]]
* [[Koko kara hajimaru prologue. (Kanon Remix)|ここからはじまるプロローグ。 (Kanon Remix)]]
* [[molmol (MZK Skippin' Remix)|モ°ルモ°ル (MZK Skippin' Remix)]]
* [[VERTeX (rintaro soma deconstructed remix)]]
* [[Onmitsu anmitsu DX|隠密あんみつDX]]
* [[Chikyuu|地球]]
* [[Churros Parlor]]
* [[Wonder panda traveler|超熊猫的周遊記(ワンダーパンダートラベラー)]]
* [[Somebody!|サンバディ!]]
* [[Horoscope Express]]
* [[Party People Princess|Party☆People☆Princess]]
* [[Latent Kingdom]]
* [[Mystic Parade]]
* [[Cry Cry Cry]]
* [[Powawan gekijou|ぽわわん劇場]]
* [[my flow]]
* [[Energizing Flame]]
* [[Fake face failsafe|フェイクフェイス・フェイルセイフ]]
* [[Furafurafura,|ふらふらふら、]]
* [[Six plan|シックスプラン]]
* [[Futatabi|フタタビ]]
* [[raputa]]
* [[Tsunagite|系ぎて]]
* [[SOS|エスオーエス]]
* [[Noja lolic|のじゃロリック]]
* [[Edelweiss]]
* [[QuiQ]]
* [[IF:U]]
* [[Cider P@rty]]
* [[Soumetsu|勦滅]]
* [[Lunatic Vibes]]
* [[Bloody Trail]]
* [[Beginning together!]]
* [[Shining Ray ~bokura no kizuna~|Shining Ray ~僕らの絆~]]
* [[Geranium]]
* [[The Cursed Doll]]
* [[RondeauX of RagnaroQ]]
* [[Prism rhythm|プリズム△▽リズム]]
* [[Paradox Eve|パラドクスイヴ]]
* [[YKWTD]]
* [[184oku kai no multitonic|184億回のマルチトニック]]
* [[Hate no sora, bokura ga mita hikari.|果ての空、僕らが見た光。]]
* [[Cryptarithm]]
* [[Ourania]]
* [[Tengai|天蓋]]
* [[Deicide]]
* [[Hyoumetsu no 135 shousetsu|氷滅の135小節]]
* [[Divide et impera!]]
* [[Jigoku|地獄]]
* [[Sister sister|シスターシスター]]
* [[Ariake|有明/Ariake]]

Latest revision as of 12:07, 12 February 2025

lyrics proofread